

Study: Burger King Has The Slowest Drive-Thrus, But Does A Really Good Job Of Hiding The Dumpsters

We’ve written any number of stories over the years of fights starting because a customer had to wait too long in a fast-food drive-thru lane. So according the results of a new study, impatient and easy-to-anger consumers might want to take a few deep breaths before picking up some Burger King. [More]

Wendy’s Says Pro Chick Fil-A Sign Is Fake, Except It’s Not

Wendy’s Says Pro Chick Fil-A Sign Is Fake, Except It’s Not

Late last night, some readers tipped us to this photo of a Wendy’s restaurant that supposedly had posted a sign saying “We Stand With Chick fil-A,” which we assume refers to that company president’s stance against same-sex marriage and not the restaurant chain’s insistence on having pickles on its sandwiches. Given the sheer number of similar fakes floating around the Internet — they even have their own Snopes page — we thought it was worth checking into with Wendy’s HQ. [More]