
Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

The thrust of the mounting consumer complaints against Capital One may explain the credit card’s fondness for filling their ads with barbarians.

Are Identity Thieves Targeting Idiot Employees?

Are Identity Thieves Targeting Idiot Employees?

Consumer Affairs raises an interesting question in its summary of the theft of 26 million social security numbers on a burgled laptop: are these targeted thefts?

Eating ‘Unpaid’ Pancakes Ends in Fatal IHOP Shooting

Eating ‘Unpaid’ Pancakes Ends in Fatal IHOP Shooting

Don’t dine and dash at IHOP unless you want the cops to drill a bullet through your skull in the parking lot, your blood splattering on the plaid flannel shirts of your drunk and high teenage friends and the interior of your SUV in suburban Virginia.