
If You Must Pee At A Supermarket, Don't Do It On The

If You Must Pee At A Supermarket, Don't Do It On The Floor

Some people are afraid of relieving themselves in public bathrooms, while others have no qualms about heeding nature’s call no matter the time or place. A 62-year-old man in Holmes Beach, Fla. allegedly falls into the latter category, judging by the way he up and let it flow on a supermarket floor. He was arrested for indecent exposure in public and driving with a suspended license, which had been revoked from an earlier DUI charge. [More]

To Battle Drought, Texas Town Will Drink Recycled

To Battle Drought, Texas Town Will Drink Recycled Sewage

If you happen to find yourself in Big Spring, Texas, you could be contributing to the water supply every time you relieve yourself. The town is building a plant that will capture and recycle treated waste water, planing to take treated water that would normally flow into a creek and redirect it into the drinking water supply. [More]

Guy Relieves Self In Reservoir, Costs Portland $33K

Guy Relieves Self In Reservoir, Costs Portland $33K

If you absolutely, positively cannot make it to the restroom when in public, do your city a favor and aim at most anything other than its water reservoir. A man who confessed to disobeying such common sense has caused government coffers to leak nearly $33,000 to rectify the contamination. [More]