
Consumerist Tshirts: Vote!

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Consumerist Tshirt Finalists

Consumerist Tshirt Finalists

Of all the many many fantastic slogans that you guys sent it, these stuck out as the strongest. Before we throw up the poll, just want to make sure they’re cool with and we’re not missing anything. If you feel something awesome is missing, make your case in the comments or send us word on the tips line. Tomorrow, we vote.

Arabic “I am Not a Terrorist” Tshirt

Arabic “I am Not a Terrorist” Tshirt

Now you too can bother Midwesterners and airport security, just like Raed Jaer, with your very own “I am not a terrorist” tshirt.

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: FINAL DAY

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: FINAL DAY

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: Deadline Friday!

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: Deadline Friday!

Here’s some of your t-shirt slogans that particularly tickled our quixotic glands:

Consumerist Reader Tshirt Slogans

Consumerist Reader Tshirt Slogans

Our contest for readers to create the next Consumerist tshirt is in full swing. Here’s the best of the bunch so far, in our humble opinions.

Consumerist T-Shirt Contest

Consumerist T-Shirt Contest

Insert witty remark here! Enter the Consumerist tshirt contest and earn fame and glory beyond the tip line and comments box!

Save 20% At Gawker Shop

Save 20% At Gawker Shop

Now that the heat wave has broken, celebrate your return to wearing clothes with a new shirt from Gawker shop, now $4 off.

Threadless Gets Cooler, Steals Babies

Threadless Gets Cooler, Steals Babies

Threadless has added a delicious layer of imperialism to their communist t-shirt direct democracy by launching Threadless Select. A more premium line of tees, by premium artists, at premium prices. The oligarchy is upon us, upon our chests, and we’re paying for it. Oh well, the shirts seem neat enough.

Our Threadless Tshirts Arrive

Huzzah, our Threadless tshirts came in the mail today. Both beautiful packages were delivered at the same time. Here’s our catwalk. Click on a photo to start the fashion slideshow. The code is a little buggy, if the photo dissapears, refresh or go backwards.

BUY: Pre-Pixelated Threads

BUY: Pre-Pixelated Threads

Buy some sweet pre-pixelated shirts and caps. Standard Cafepress rates apply ($19.99-$29.99).