(kevin dean)

New Hike In TSA Security Fee Means Higher Ticket Prices For Travelers

Next time you buy an airline ticket, you might notice it’s just a tad bit more expensive. That’s because the United States has a deficit to pay down, so it’s ordered the Transportation Security Administration to increase the security fee it charges each traveler. [More]


Fake Airport Security Screener Tricks Women Into Pat-Downs

The world has enough problems with actual, inept TSA agents who have never heard of our nation’s capital. We don’t need jerks posing as airport security just to molest female travelers. [More]


TSA Agent To Reporter: What Is This “District Of Columbia” You Speak Of?

In a far off land called the District of Columbia, there lives an entire population of people who are considered Americans and as such, have the proper identification noting that fact. But one Transportation Security Administration agent in Orlando may need a brush-up on the makeup of these United States, after reportedly not realizing that a reporter’s Washington D.C. license is a valid form of ID. [More]


Reminder For Travelers: Knives Belong In Checked Baggage, Not Concealed Inside Your Shoe

Using consumer products for purposes other than their intended function is usually just inconvenient — have you ever tried eating soup with a fork? It’s the worst! — but when you get weapons and the Transportation Security Administration involved, it’ll likely lead to some hefty consequences. Case in point: a knife hidden in a shoe. [More]

(Paul Thompson)

Charge Electronic Devices Before Flying Back To U.S. Or You Might Not Be Allowed On Plane

If you thought you could escape the probing playfulness of the TSA by traveling abroad, you were mistaken. The agency recently announced that travelers flying directly to the U.S. from certain, unnamed overseas airports will be required to power-up their carry-on electronics devices in order to board their flights. [More]


Yes, The TSA’s Airport Security Screening Rules Still Apply To Travelers Who Are Mad About Missing Flights

Listen, I know it feels like the sun and moon revolve around your head and the entire fate of humanity lies in your hands. But that’s not reality, and even if you’re late for your flight, you still have to go through the annoyance of security checkpoints at the airport, just like the rest of us. Otherwise, the entire airport terminal might just get locked down and that’s just a rude inconvenience for other travelers. [More]

Former TSA Screener Not Fit To Stand Trial For Allegedly Making 9/11-Related Threats

Former TSA Screener Not Fit To Stand Trial For Allegedly Making 9/11-Related Threats

A former TSA screener who worked at Los Angeles International Airport won’t stand trial for allegedly sending a series of 9/11-related threats to the airport last fall. [More]

The TSA’s ‘Randomizer’ Explains Why Some People Fly Through Airport Security While You Wait

The TSA’s ‘Randomizer’ Explains Why Some People Fly Through Airport Security While You Wait

Earlier this year, I wrote about a somewhat confusing (albeit pleasant) experience I’d had at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, where I and a number of other travelers were put through the TSA’s expedited PreCheck line — meaning no removal of shoes, belts or jackets — in spite of not being enrolled in the PreCheck program. At the time, the TSA didn’t offer too much insight into why this had happened, but a new report sheds some more light on the topic. [More]


The TSA Now Has A Nice Six-Point Throwing Star With Folding Blades In Its Collection

Of course there’s the occasional time you forget that nice set of kitchen knives is in your carry-on, or you didn’t realize that all-purpose razor fell into the bag. But wouldn’t you probably remember not to pack your six-point throwing star with folding blades? It’s just that kind of apparent forgetfulness that has given the Transportation Security Administration a new ninja weapon. [More]

TSA Extending PreCheck Expedited Screening Program To International Airlines

TSA Extending PreCheck Expedited Screening Program To International Airlines

Relief is in sight, ye weary travelers setting off to farflung parts of this sphere we call Earth: Screening lines at airports are about to get a lot speedier for travelers flying on international airlines now that the Transportation Security Administration has expanded its PreCheck program. [More]

TSA Finds Large Knife Ruining A Batch Of Perfectly Good Enchiladas At California Airport

TSA Finds Large Knife Ruining A Batch Of Perfectly Good Enchiladas At California Airport

Just like my second cousin twice removed Hildy used to say — a sure way to ruin a tasty batch of enchiladas is by hiding a huge knife in it and then trying to get through airport security. At least, she would’ve said that if she existed and knew someone tried to do just that at a Sonoma airport recently. [More]


Man Arrested At Airport Security: Wait, You Can’t Bring Guns In Your Carry-On?

There are some things you can see often without really seeing it, ya know? Like the plethora of signs at any airport anywhere telling you not to bring weapons like guns, knives or throwing stars on the plane. Maybe one guy just saw those too often — or not enough — as he reportedly didn’t know you can’t bring a handgun through airport security in your carry-on. [More]

TSA Temporarily Bans All Liquids, Gels In Carry-On Bags On Flights To And From Russia

TSA Temporarily Bans All Liquids, Gels In Carry-On Bags On Flights To And From Russia

Those little plastic bags can’t save you now, folks. At least not if you’re going to Russia from the U.S. or flying here from Russia: After warning earlier this week that toothpaste tubes would get an extra long look, the Transportation Security Administration has placed a temporary ban on all liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on bags on any flights involving Russia. [More]

Alec Baldwin Backtracks After Mistakenly Ripping TSA Over Pat-Down Of Baby Daughter

Alec Baldwin Backtracks After Mistakenly Ripping TSA Over Pat-Down Of Baby Daughter

No one likes getting a pat-down at the airport (okay, maybe some of you do), but if you’re going to publicly vent about the horrors of airport security online, you should probably remember what country you’re in so that your fury is directed to the right agency. [More]

The Evolution Of Airport Security: From Carry-On Dynamite To No Liquids Allowed

The Evolution Of Airport Security: From Carry-On Dynamite To No Liquids Allowed

Airports can be one of the most frustrating places in the world to spend an afternoon. Getting to the airport two hours early, waiting in security lines, taking off your shoes, walking through space-age like metal detectors, it can all be a huge hassle. But it wasn’t always that way. Before the days of 3.4-ounce liquids and random screenings, airport security was pretty simple.  [More]

TSA Just Decides Everyone In My Line Is Qualified For Expedited Screening

TSA Just Decides Everyone In My Line Is Qualified For Expedited Screening

Usually when we write about gripes with the Transportation Security Administration, it’s that the TSA is being too nosy and touchy-feely at airport security checkpoints, but what about when it just decides that two entire lines of travelers don’t need the full screening and deserve the same expedited screening as the pre-vetted travelers in the TSA PreCheck program? [More]

The TSA Kids Website Is Gloriously Hilarious (And A Bit Scary)

The TSA Kids Website Is Gloriously Hilarious (And A Bit Scary)

Whether it’s removing a family from a flight because their 18-month-old is on a “no-fly” list, demanding that a 4-year-old get a pat-down because she hugged her grandmother, patting down an infant, evacuating a terminal because one parent passes a baby to the other without receiving a secondary screening, or screaming at the parents of a child with cerebral palsy, the TSA has shown time and again that it has a masterful touch when dealing with young children. That unique sensibility is definitely on display at the agency’s new site dedicated to educating children about security theater. [More]

Sock Monkey Who Apparently Hadn’t Read TSA Regulations Will Not Get To Keep His Toy Gun

Sock Monkey Who Apparently Hadn’t Read TSA Regulations Will Not Get To Keep His Toy Gun

America, we can all sleep more soundly in our beds now that a Transportation Safety Administration agent has successfully disarmed a passenger with a weapon in his bag. His name is Rooster Monkburn and he’s a toy sock monkey that no longer has a tiny toy pistol. [More]