trader joe’s

Trader Joe's Recalls Chocolate Chip Chewy Coated Granola Bars

Trader Joe's Recalls Chocolate Chip Chewy Coated Granola Bars

Apparently not content to let Toyota and Honda hog all the recall headlines this week, the good folks at grocery store chain Trader Joe’s have announced a “my bad” of their own, recalling a few batches of their Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chip Chewy Coated Granola Bars — no, not for having a ridiculously long name — but because you might get sick from eating them. [More]

One Death Tied To 545,699 lb Ground Beef Recall

One Death Tied To 545,699 lb Ground Beef Recall

New Hampshire has announced a death connected to the recent recall of 545,699 lbs of ground beef for e. coli contamination. The beef was sold in the following retailers, among others: Trader Joes, Price Chopper, Lancaster and Wild Harvest, Shaw’s, a unit of Supervalu, BJ’s, Ford Brothers and Giant.

Trader Joe's Salmon Comes With Delectable Organic Free-Range Worm

Trader Joe's Salmon Comes With Delectable Organic Free-Range Worm

Reader David was eating his dinner of Trader Joe’s Chimichurri salmon when he found an unexpected garnish: a rather dead and fully cooked worm. It was brown and roughly an inch long. He e-mailed the company, then brought the fish (and worm) back to the store for a refund. While the store supervisor’s handling of the situation was stellar, the reaction from Trader Joe’s corporate has been…nonexistent.

Trader Joe's Redefines Organic, Puts Glass in Your Sorbet

Trader Joe's Redefines Organic, Puts Glass in Your Sorbet

Specialty store Trader Joe’s is very common with the college hipster crowd; decent prices, organic foods, and the ever-drinkable Two Buck Chuck. For tipster Gil’s sake, they better have some organic band-aids and DIY Surgery kits — at least one of their products comes with a shard of all-natural glass. Full letter after the fold.

Trader Joe's Will Remove All Single-Ingredient Food From China From Their Stores By April 1

Trader Joe's Will Remove All Single-Ingredient Food From China From Their Stores By April 1

“Our customers have voiced concerns about products from this region and we have listened,” Trader Joe’s spokeswoman Alison Mochizuki said in a statement.

Chinese Goods No Longer Welcome At Trader Joe's

Chinese Goods No Longer Welcome At Trader Joe's

Caving to xenophobia, Trader Joe’s announced that it will purge its shelves of all single-ingredient Chinese products by January 1. Will consumers be any safer?

Trader Joe's Has The Authority To Install Traffic Arrows

Trader Joe's Has The Authority To Install Traffic Arrows

Oh, wait. No, it doesn’t. A reader wrote in to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer because he was suspicious that a traffic arrow installed in the alley near his home wasn’t legit.

“Area residents, like myself, use the alley to rejoin the neighborhood arterials and frequently have difficulty going against the flow of the oncoming alley traffic,” Sarbach said. He said he’d “had several close calls as cars quickly turn into the alley off of Galer; my son and daughter have noticed a few impolite finger gestures from vehicles backing out of the alley onto Galer (Street) to clear (a) way for our vehicle.”

UPDATE: Popeye Gets E. Coli

UPDATE: Popeye Gets E. Coli

No one knows how a good portion of the nation’s spinach farms became a verdant, leafy forest for the bowel-liquefying E. Coli virus. But the good news is that one of the suppliers of bad spinach has been identified.

Trader Joe’s Magic, Revealed!

Trader Joe’s Magic, Revealed!

In whoring for a comments invite and proving his worth, Jesse Friedman sent in his term paper he wrote on Trader Joe’s. Now that’s what we call vetting!

Trader Joe’s NYC Sets Cork Pop Date

Trader Joe’s NYC Sets Cork Pop Date

Hark the herald and sing the angels, the Manhattan Trader Joe’s announced a date, via hand-drawn sign, per usual, for its wine shop to open. April 10th. Gotham City street beat reporter Bucky Turco writes that’s, “5 days before tax day. Who said Trader Joe’s weren’t savvy marketers.”

Trader Joe’s Contribution to Urban Sprawl

Trader Joe’s Contribution to Urban Sprawl

Trader Joe’s has taken over the sidewalk of 14th st, all in the quest to deliver pounds of no-boil noodles into the caches of eager Manhattanites.

HOW TO: Shop at Trader Joe’s

Slate has a primer on surviving Trader Joe’s madness. Just a few tips and tricks to keep in mind while you’re commodifying your dissent. [More]

Trader Joe’s Lacks Team Spirits

Trader Joe’s Lacks Team Spirits

The booze has yet to arrive at the new Manhattan location of Trader Joe’s, as shown in this photo sent in by honorary Gawker cub reporter Bucky Turco.