Sexy Ebola Containment Suit

After You Take Off Your Sexy Ebola Containment Costume, Donate A Real One

After You Take Off Your Sexy Ebola Containment Costume, Donate A Real One

Sure, Ebola containment suits are apparently a popular Halloween costume this year. We get it: the costume is easy to put together, timely, and some people find it amusing. Yet when they take off their fake hazmat suits (or their incredibly fake sexy hazmat suits) will any of the people wearing this costume think about the health care workers in western Africa whose lives depend on the real versions of these suits? [More]


The Inevitable Comes To Pass: Of Course A “Sexy Ebola Containment Suit” Exists

As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, as the Earth doth go round the moon and as strangers will inevitably call me Mary despite evidence that that is not, in fact, my name, we as a society cannot resist the temptation to create topical Halloween costumes. But we’re also not content with just one iteration, say, of an Ebola Containment Suit costume for Halloween this year. Nope. There inevitably had to be a a Sexy Ebola Containment Suit costume. [More]