
Toys"R"Us: You Are Too Young For A Grandparent's Discount

Toys"R"Us: You Are Too Young For A Grandparent's Discount

“It’s discriminatory,” Peters said. “How do you put an age on a grandparent or a mother or a father, for that matter?”

Confirmed: BPA Will Harm Your Monkey

Confirmed: BPA Will Harm Your Monkey

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have linked [BPA] to problems with brain function and mood disorders in monkeys—the first time the chemical has been connected to health problems in primates.

Friendly's Manager Outlaws Refunds, Demands That Employees Not Speak Her Name?

Friendly's Manager Outlaws Refunds, Demands That Employees Not Speak Her Name?

There’s something odd going on at reader Brian’s local Friendly’s. Brian and his wife ordered and paid for two sundaes, but when Friendly’s discovered they were out of the flavor they’d requested, things got complicated. First, the employees refused to give Brian and his wife their money back because the manager doesn’t allow refunds, then, when they asked to speak to the manager, not only would she not speak to them, but she also wouldn’t allow the employees to say her name.

Apple Agrees To Replace Exploding First-Gen iPods After Japan Demands Action

Apple Agrees To Replace Exploding First-Gen iPods After Japan Demands Action

In what should have been a no-brainer, Apple today agreed to replace any iPod Nanos that unexpectedly explode. The announcement came as a response to the Japanese government, which yesterday asked the computer-maker to “take some measures” to warn consumers of the potential danger of their little pocket rockets. Apple blames a single bad battery supplier for the spontaneous fireworks.


As of August 5th, Alaska Airlines no longer accepts cash on its flights. In their words, welcome to “the convenience of a cashless cabin. Passengers will no longer need to hunt for cash to pay for on board purchases.” Finally! All that cash flitting around the cabin hurting people is a thing of the past. [Personal Finance Weblog]

Fred Meyer Says Cheese Is Not A Dairy Product

Fred Meyer Says Cheese Is Not A Dairy Product

Go shopping for cheese at the Ballard Fred Myer in Seattle, and you’ll learn an interesting new fact about your food:

Despite What Their Website Says, Taking Pictures In San Francisco’s Museum Of Modern Art Is Cause For Ejection

Despite What Their Website Says, Taking Pictures In San Francisco’s Museum Of Modern Art Is Cause For Ejection

Thomas Hawk was “forcibly thrown out” of San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art for taking photos in an area where photography is expressly allowed. Hawk had recently purchased a family membership to MOMA in no small part because of a policy change that permitted photography. When he arrived and started snapping away, he was approached by the director of visitor relations, Simon Blint…

Disagree With Walmart's Bike Policy? Take Off Your Clothes In Protest!

Disagree With Walmart's Bike Policy? Take Off Your Clothes In Protest!

BikeForums member ReachHigher stripped down to her sports bra and spandex after Walmart refused to let her enter the store with her $600 bike. A manager explained that since Walmart sold bikes, bringing in an outside bike would obviously be too confusing to handle. ReachHigher asked if they also sold shirts. “She said yes so I took off my jersey and said well then I’d better not bring this in either…”

Target To 80-Year-Old: Yeah, We Sold You The Wrong Watch Battery, But We Won't Take It Back

Target To 80-Year-Old: Yeah, We Sold You The Wrong Watch Battery, But We Won't Take It Back

My mother in law, recently went to Target to get a battery installed for her watch. The watch was a common Timex model and the associate told her that she would have to buy the battery first. So she purchased that battery, and the associate attempted to install it in the watch. The battery did not fit the watch, so the associate said “sorry, we don’t have the right battery” and then refused to take the battery back and refund her money. She was told they don’t take back opened battery packages.

UPS Can't Find Your Lost Computer, So They'll Honor Their Insurance Policy

UPS Can't Find Your Lost Computer, So They'll Honor Their Insurance Policy

Remember Nick? UPS smashed up his insured computer and then refused to provide any compensation, even after mysteriously shipping it to a stranger. UPS’ public relations folks reached out to us after we posted his story and recently sent us an update: “…after a search of all UPS’s facilities we were not able to recover his computer.” Bummer, but all is not lost.

RadioShack Won't Give Refund On Cash Purchase Unless You Show Your Papers

RadioShack Won't Give Refund On Cash Purchase Unless You Show Your Papers

RadioShack’s whole collecting-your-personal-data nonsense is old news, but it’s not just for purchases anymore. When Pete tried to take back some potentiometers he’d paid for the day before with cash, the clerk refused to give him any sort of refund—even a store credit—without Pete’s physical address.

Dunkin Doesn't Serve Cup O' Ice Water Or Any Variant Thereof

Dunkin Doesn't Serve Cup O' Ice Water Or Any Variant Thereof

You gotta wonder what lead up to the creation of this sign at a Dunkin Donuts in Bushwick (a DMZ-esque area of Brooklyn being penetrated by the forces of gentrification) covering every possible angle of not giving you a cup of ice water. Maybe there were even previous versions of the sign that had to keep being tweaked as people kept coming in asking for a vessel of chilled H20. How might that encounter have gone? Let’s take a peek inside The Consumerist Miniature Theater Machine: [More]

Target Bungles Wedding Registry, Won't Exchange Duplicate Gifts Without Receipts

Target Bungles Wedding Registry, Won't Exchange Duplicate Gifts Without Receipts

Target doesn’t accept returns without receipts to keep criminals at bay, but Chrissy recently discovered that their policy also extends to wedding registry gifts. Chrissy and her husband ended up with several duplicate gifts when Target failed to keep track of her registry. Chrissy didn’t want a refund or cash, just store credit, but Target refused to consider any proffer until Chrissy provided receipts. One manager even urged Chrissy to call her wedding guests to ask for their receipts, because in Target’s book, that’s not extraordinarily rude or anything.

Running Low On In-Store Exchanges Under Your Total Access Plan? Try Visiting A Different Blockbuster Location

Running Low On In-Store Exchanges Under Your Total Access Plan? Try Visiting A Different Blockbuster Location

Hacking Netflix reports that many Blockbuster locations don’t use a centralized network to keep tabs on Total Access usage. The tip was originally reported by Kevin Tostado, who took down his post after a ball-busting conversation with Blockbuster in which they asked him to cease and desist. Fortunately, Google’s marvelously efficient spiders reached Kevin’s site before Blockbuster and preserved the post.

ISPs Are Maniacal Stalkers Who Read Your Email And Watch You Surf The Web

ISPs Are Maniacal Stalkers Who Read Your Email And Watch You Surf The Web

Internet service providers are actively tracking 100,000 users, reading every email they send and every website they visit, according to the Washington Post. The report coincides with a damning Associated Press investigation of ISP contracts which finds that they reserve broad rights to read essentially anything you view on the internet without any intervening supervision or regulation.

This Bath & Body Works Doesn't Accept Cash

This Bath & Body Works Doesn't Accept Cash

A.A. sent us these photos, and writes,

That’s the sign I saw at the Bath & Body Works store in a Tanger Outlet Mall in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I didn’t go inside to find out if my legal tender was no good there or what, but I’m a fan of the site and thought y’all would get a kick out of the pics.

The U.S. Treasury says that’s fine, stores don’t have to accept cash. We’re just worried the people in Pigeon Forge know something about the U.S. dollar that we don’t.

Former Sprint CSR Tells All

Former Sprint CSR Tells All

A man who worked on the front line of Sprint’s customer service department sent us some dirt on what goes on over there, including officially designated fake supervisors, obnoxious personal notes left in your account from your last call, and credit quotas of about $2.50 per call. “I was once punished by a Supervisor and written up because I was giving too many courtesy credits. Apparently Sprint doesn’t feel that being transferred 7 times and then hung up on is worth $10 in return.”

Circuit City Designates Handicapped Parking Spots "Web Order Pickup" Zone

Ever wanted to park in the handicapped spots but didn’t because of pesky laws and social norms? Well, if you place your online Circuit City order for pickup at the Cantonsville, Maryland store, you can! Reader Andy discovered that the store is flagrantly violating the Americans With Disabilities Act by using the handicapped spots as the special web order pickup zone. Andy then went inside and discovered that Circuit City ignores all kinds of policies, including their own price match guarantee.