
Ryan Finnie

We’re All Watching Digital Video, But Most Of Us Aren’t Buying Any

When you just want to watch something, you probably look for it first on Netflix or Amazon. When you really treasure something and want to make it part of your library, you might buy the disc. But when do you buy a digital copy of a TV episode or a movie? Basically never, right? Yeah, and that’s the problem for the whole industry, because you’re not alone. [More]


North Korea’s Parents Now Have A Streaming Video Service To Distract Their Kids With

Although North Korea is often regarded as one of the least connected countries in the world, those who do have access to the state-run version of the internet will have a few more things to watch — and a few more things to distract their kids with. [More]

New Netflix App Tells You If Your Mobile Connection Is Fast Enough For Streaming

New Netflix App Tells You If Your Mobile Connection Is Fast Enough For Streaming

With more and more subscribers streaming video on their mobile devices, Netflix wants to ensure the content is coming through with the best quality possible by launching a mobile speed test app.  [More]

Mike Mozart

Comcast Would Rather Be More Like Tesla Than Netflix

While it remains to be seen what Comcast’s Next Big Thing will be — though it probably won’t be a streaming TV product — there’s one thing the company knows for sure: it doesn’t want to be anything like those Netflix guys. [More]

Time Warner CEO: HBO Is The Original Netflix

Time Warner CEO: HBO Is The Original Netflix

For a monthly fee, you get access to second-run movies and some well-regarded original content. While that sounds a lot like Netflix, it’s also been HBO’s model for about 40 years. And the CEO of HBO’s parent company doesn’t see the new kids on the premium content block dethroning the old king anytime soon. [More]

Mike Mozart

Verizon Kind Of Wants To Be Your New Netflix, But With More Ads

If it feels like the media and technology worlds of late are constantly going through this weird, ebbing, flowing, overlapping process, well, you’re not wrong. Jumping into the fray most recently is Verizon, which not only has its own streaming service but also now wants to sell you on original content… that it can, of course, stuff with advertising for your eyeballs. [More]


Netflix Sees Subscriptions Dip Amid Price Hike, Blames Press Coverage

As it turns out, raising the price of something can have the effect of turning people off that product. So it went for Netflix, which said this week that it’s lost some customers after instituting planned price hikes that affected around 17 million customers. [More]


No, You Won’t Go To Federal Prison For Sharing Your Netflix Password

Last week, a federal appeals court issued a ruling that has been widely reported to imply that sharing your password for Netflix of HBO Go is a federal crime that could get you locked up in federal prison. However, looking at the actual case involved in this ruling, it’s more than a bit of a stretch to apply this decision to the common practice of sharing login info. [More]

Mike Mozart

You Can (Eventually) Use The Netflix App On Your Comcast Cable Box

At long last, Comcast has finally realized what consumers have known for years: Netflix — and its increasing focus on original series, not the cable and broadcast library — isn’t competition. It’s complementary. And so two of the biggest companies in media are about to lay down their metaphorical arms and start working together. [More]

Brady Withers

A Bunch Of Patriotic-ish Movies You Can Stream If You’re Stuck Indoors This July 4th

For many people, this Fourth of July weekend is sure to be a busy one — Parades! Picnics! Parties! But when the fireworks have all stopped and you’ve been rendered immobile after consuming too many grilled things — or if you just need a few hours to not talk to your family and friends — you can still get into the spirit of the weekend with some movies. [More]

Google Chrome Has A Bug That Makes It Super Easy For Pirates To Purloin Streaming Video

Google Chrome Has A Bug That Makes It Super Easy For Pirates To Purloin Streaming Video

Lots of things made our modern all-online, all-video era possible: Internet connections got faster, tech got cheaper, and so on. But the thing that made companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu willing and able to become household names in TV is a little invisible: it’s the ability to keep you paying for content. [More]


You Might Be Able To Watch Some Netflix Content Offline By The End Of The Year

After a few months of wondering whether Netflix may usher in a new offline viewing era, reports are circulating now that say the feature could be launched by the end of the year. [More]

Netflix Binge Scale Reveals Which Shows Turn Us Into Unmoving Couch Potatoes

Netflix Binge Scale Reveals Which Shows Turn Us Into Unmoving Couch Potatoes

We’ve all got them, those shows that have the power to keep us glued to our couches, in front of a screen, watching each and every episode available until it feels like nothing else exists. Netflix knows it too, and has released a new Binge Scale that it says reveals which programs we’re most likely to sacrifice our social lives to. [More]


Privacy Activists Set Up Giant Mobile Billboard Across From Netflix HQ To Protest VPN Blocking

From a business standpoint, it makes sense for Netflix to block VPNs — virtual private networks — to cut down on users accessing its content in foreign countries. But privacy activists who just want to use VPNs to keep their internet connections, well, private, aren’t too pleased with Netflix’s recent blocking campaign. [More]

Netflix Launches Its Own Speed Test Website

Netflix Launches Its Own Speed Test Website

There are dozens of websites that can determine the download speeds of your current Internet connection. Starting this week, there’s another, this time from Netflix.  [More]