martha stewart living


Judge Warns JCPenney On Martha Stewart Products: Blame Yourself For Empty Shelves

A judge is warning JCPenney that if it ends up with empty shelves bereft of Martha Stewart-branded products, it’ll only have itself to blame. The company is in the midst of a tiff with Macy’s over which retailer is allowed to sell her homewares. Macy’s is claiming exclusive rights, but JCPenney recently went ahead and ordered products from her company anyway. [More]

Macy's Fighting With JC Penney Over Who Gets To Shill Martha Stewart's Housewares

Macy's Fighting With JC Penney Over Who Gets To Shill Martha Stewart's Housewares

Macy’s and JC Penney are in a legal tiff right now, after Martha Stewart’s company hopped in bed with JC Penney to sell her housewares in their stores. Macy’s is mad because they say they’ve got exclusive rights on all those taupe towels and ecru egg holders. [More]