When properly used, a cake-cutting knife should not cut the person slicing into the cake. But some Martha Stewart-branding serving sets have been breaking, doing damage to the holder instead of the cake. [More]
martha stewart

19,000 Macy’s Martha Stewart Cake-Cutting Sets Recalled Because They Aren’t Supposed To Cut You

JCPenney And Macy’s Settle Long-Running Lawsuit Over Martha Stewart Housewares
Does it feel like 2012 was very long ago? That’s when JCPenney and Macy’s began their dispute over who has the right to sell Martha Stewart’s branded housewares in their stores. The two chains have finally decided to settle the case, though the terms weren’t disclosed. [More]

So Many “Meal Box” Options, But Are They Any Different From Each Other?
Making a nice dinner isn’t always easy: Finding the right recipe, checking your pantry, going to the store, all before you get around to finally cooking. So it’s understandable why subscription “meal boxes” are trend with a growing number of companies delivering ready-to-cook dinners to your door. Yet, many of the plans seem to be going after the same customer with the same types of food. [More]

Macy’s Recalls 121,000 Martha Stewart-Brand Frying Pans For Shooting Metal Discs At Cooks
When cooking a meal on the stove, there’s always the possibility that a little bit of grease or oil will splatter on you. Something you probably aren’t prepared for, though, is the chance that a piece of the pan will shoot off, burning your arm, face, or other body part. [More]

Martha Stewart Omnimedia Sells Out, Will Be Corporate Sibling To Franklin Mint
While Martha Stewart’s lifestyle and publishing empire isn’t as popular as it once was, its founder’s name is still a good shorthand for domesticity and good taste. That’s why the news today that her company has been acquired by Sequential Brands, the owner of Justin Bieber’s denim brand and the Franklin Mint, surprised many people. [More]

Judge: JCPenney Interfered With Macy’s Martha Stewart Contract
If it feels like it’s been a while since you’ve heard about the brawl between JCPenney and Macy’s over golden girl Martha Stewart and her branded products, well, that’s because it has been: Six months after the two sides settled on terms that would allow both to sell Stewart stuff, a judge has ruled that JCPenney interfered in Macy’s contract with the homemaking maven when it came up with its own collection of home goods tied to her name. [More]

Martha Stewart Is Still Waiting For Someone To Come Pick Up Her Broken iPad, Fix It
Martha Stewart has an iPad, a gift from Steve Jobs, and it is broken. Shattered, after she dropped it on the ground. But no one has come to pick it up, prompting her to tweet about it and wonder where in the world the Apple rep is that is supposed to rescue the broken device. Twitter loves this. [More]

JCPenney & Macy’s Are Close To The Final Word On Their Martha Stewart Rivalry
The playground fight between Macy’s and JCPenney over who gets to be best friends with Martha Stewart could finally be close to over. After months of the two companies bickering over whether or not JCPenney can sell certain home goods with the Martha Stewart name on them, a judge might issue a decision today. [More]

What Are America’s Most Damaged Brands Right Now?
How mighty brands fall. Bad leadership, bad planning, a run of bad products: any of these can damage a brand in a short amount of time, and it can take years to recover: if, indeed, the brand recovers at all. What brands are the most battered in the United States right now? 24/7 Wall Street rounded them up, based on which publicly-traded major companies are currently dealing with aggressive competition, reputation disasters, and a lack of direction. [More]

Macy’s Fails At Another Attempt To Block JCPenney From Selling Martha Stewart Wares
Just last week JCPenney scored a big hit against its rival Macy’s, when a judge said it could sell Martha Stewart products as long as her name was kept out of it. But then Macy’s was like, “Nope, don’t want that to happen,” and filed a temporary restraining order against JCPenney. An appeals court judge rejected that restraining order request, however, leaving Macy’s fuming again. [More]

JCPenney Agrees To Refrain From Selling Martha Stewart Products Until April Court Date
Although JCPenney has been jonesing to start selling Martha Stewart-designed products in its Martha mini-shops, for now it seems that desire will have to be curbed. The department store agreed yesterday to set aside its plans for Martha’s products in its stores at least until an April 8 court date. Rival Macy’s is probably thrilled, while Stewart is likely still wondering if everyone has two houses and thus, a need for two casserole dishes. [More]

Martha Stewart Testifies In JCPenney Vs. Macy’s Dispute: The More Deals The Merrier, Right?
As retailers JCPenney and Macy’s go back and forth in the bitter battle for the right to sell Martha Stewart branded products, the legend herself popped into court yesterday to defend her company’s decision to sign a deal with one when she’d already pledged her allegiance to another. [More]

Judge Warns JCPenney On Martha Stewart Products: Blame Yourself For Empty Shelves
A judge is warning JCPenney that if it ends up with empty shelves bereft of Martha Stewart-branded products, it’ll only have itself to blame. The company is in the midst of a tiff with Macy’s over which retailer is allowed to sell her homewares. Macy’s is claiming exclusive rights, but JCPenney recently went ahead and ordered products from her company anyway. [More]

Martha Stewart Tables Are Still Exploding Glass In Your Face
FOX31 reports a family in Colorado was just chilling on the porch during a barbecue when all of a sudden their Martha Stewart glass table exploded, sending shards of tempered glass flying all over the place. The son and his girlfriend bled from cuts and lacerations after they were hit by the glass. This is a line of tables that have racked up similar exploding glass complaints for years and though they are not being sold any more, there are some still out there in people’s homes, ticking glass bombs waiting to go off. [More]

Some Fancy New Laundry Products Are Utterly Pointless
Our colleagues at Consumer Reports test all sorts of products to determine which are worth buying, and which aren’t. This month, they rounded up some laundry products currently on the market that aren’t worth picking up in the store: including a detergent blessed by Martha Stewart herself that wasn’t any more effective than plain water. [More]

Science Shows That Martha Stewart's Laundry Is Probably Stained
Those lovable nerds over at Consumer Reports decided to test laundry detergents — and what they found when they tested Martha Stewart’s detergent… well, it ain’t pretty. [More]

Martha Stewart And Home Depot Enter Pact
Starting in January, you’ll be able to buy Martha Stewart-branded patio furniture, storage bins, and toilet wine kits at your local Home Depot, thanks to a new multi-zillion dollar business deal the two companies have cooked up. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia’s old deal with Kmart—which a company tells the Atlanta Journal-Constitution earned them upwards of $1 billion annually at its peak—expires that same month.

Martha Stewart And Kmart Settle With Magician Who Lost Fingertip In Lounge Chair
It looks like a certain Des Moines magician/hand model will be able to afford a fancy new gold fingertip soon, or at least a gold-plated one, because he’s settled his lawsuit against Kmart and Martha Stewart Omnimedia for an undisclosed amount.