
How Would You Feel About A New National Gas Tax?

How Would You Feel About A New National Gas Tax?

Don’t worry, there’s not one in the pipeline just yet, but Flexo at Consumerism Commentary asks whether now—with fuel prices relatively low again, at least compared to the recent past—is a good time to consider one.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Uses Liposuctioned Fat As Fuel For Car

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Uses Liposuctioned Fat As Fuel For Car

And here’s number 16 on our grossest stories of 2008 list: an LA plastic surgeon is in trouble for powering his car with “lipodiesel” from his patients’ fat. Ewwww.

Gas Prices Have Fallen For 51 Straight Days

Gas Prices Have Fallen For 51 Straight Days

AAA says that gas prices have fallen for 51 straight days — and that the current average price is $2.31 per gallon. The current price is the lowest the nation has seen since February of 2007, and is 43.8% lower than the record high of $4.11 set during July of this year.

Find Out Where Your Money Goes When You Buy Gas

Find Out Where Your Money Goes When You Buy Gas

Want to know where your fifties go when you fill up your car with gas? GOOD’s latest chart breaks down the assorted costs, and compares them with other places around the globe. You can grab a free printed copy at any Starbucks, or go here to check it out in bright RGB goodness.

85% Of Gas Stations In Nashville, TN Are Without Gas Right Now

85% Of Gas Stations In Nashville, TN Are Without Gas Right Now

East Tennessee and Middle Tennessee both primarily receive fuel supplies through spurs of the Colonial pipeline, which carries refined gasoline from the Texas Gulf Coast to the Northeast. [Hurricane] Ike damaged and knocked out power to many of those refineries, cutting the amount of gasoline fed into the pipeline.

Always Print Your Gas Pump Receipt As Proof Of Purchase

Always Print Your Gas Pump Receipt As Proof Of Purchase

I pulled out of the lot, turned left, and I wasn’t more than 200 yards away when a cop comes up behind me, lights flashing. I knew I couldn’t have been speeding so I was genuinely confused. He said the woman at the United Dairy Farmers said I drove off without paying for gas.

Kum' N Go Accidentally Gives You Diesel, Makes Your Gasoline Car Sad

Kum' N Go Accidentally Gives You Diesel, Makes Your Gasoline Car Sad

Reader James said that a trucker dumped diesel fuel in the wrong tank at a distribution center, and this caused a bit of a problem because (as you might imagine) gasoline cars won’t run on diesel. The gas station in question, Kum ‘N Go, is compensating James for his mechanic’s bills, but he wanted to let other drivers know what to do if this happens to them.

What Would You Do For Free Gas?

What Would You Do For Free Gas?

Reuters has a wrap-up of some of the wackier gas-related stories of recent weeks, including the Nevada Brothel’s free-gas-card offer, a church that’s holding a weekly $50 gas card drawing during mass, and an Orlando father who pledged to name his baby after local radio hosts in order to collect a $100 gas card. There’s also some gas thieves in Mesquite, Texas, who are siphoning from church vehicles, but that’s not so much a “wacky stunt” as a type of criminal “preemptive charity.” (“”All he had to do was come and ask us and we would have bought him a tank of gas,” said the pastor of one church.)

Federal Reserve Chairman Thinks High Gas Prices Are Here To Stay

Federal Reserve Chairman Thinks High Gas Prices Are Here To Stay

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told congress today that he expects the economy to stay sluggish, and was extremely pessimistic about the price of oil in the future. Despite the the airline industry’s open letter to consumers claiming that speculators are driving up the price of oil and causing a commodities bubble, Bernanke doesn’t agree.

Nevada Brothel Offers $50 Gas Voucher To Customers

Nevada Brothel Offers $50 Gas Voucher To Customers

Clients of the Shady Lady Ranch will get a $50 gas voucher if they fork out $300—worth about one hour’s worth of services—at the brothel in Beatty, Nevada, 130 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

Angry Young Sisters Protest High Gas Prices After Losing Their Cable

Angry Young Sisters Protest High Gas Prices After Losing Their Cable

The AP reports that Pyper and Sadie Vance, ages 7 and 9, are taking their cute little rage to the streets. The sisters’ parents were forced to cancel their cable because they could no longer afford it due to high gasoline prices. The two fashioned some protest signs and hit the streets in downtown Salt Lake City. Details, inside…

Gas Station Bans Credit Cards Because Of High Fees

Gas Station Bans Credit Cards Because Of High Fees

It’s not only the customer who is taking a hit from high gas prices, some gas stations’ profits are being entirely mitigated by credit card interchange fees. The AP reports that gas station manager Roger Randolph was fed up with losing money on credit card fees. His solution was to place new signs on his Chevron gas pumps that read “No more credit cards.” Details, inside…

Doctor Arrested For Losing Patience At The Gas Pump

Doctor Arrested For Losing Patience At The Gas Pump

(Photo: Getty)

Gas Thieves Are Drilling Into Vehicle Tanks

Gas Thieves Are Drilling Into Vehicle Tanks

Perhaps you thought an old-fashioned siphon was the only way to steal gasoline from a vehicle, but thieves have other ways of accessing your gas tank. Heidi Perkins of Waxahachie, TX. spent $90 filling up her Dodge pickup. Yet, only a few days later her gauge was reading below empty, according to the Star-Telegram. She went to the gas station to refill and noticed the gasoline escaping from a freshly drilled hole in her gas tank. More, inside…


Trying to beat the high cost of gasoline, a couple in Dartmouth, MA. inadvertently started a fire in their apartment complex when 45 gallons of their hoarded gasoline ignited. They were storing the gas in plastic jugs inside a closet which also contained an air-conditioner unit. [AP]

Sixteen Sweet Fuel-Sipping Cars

Sixteen Sweet Fuel-Sipping Cars

To help you fight the battle against high gasoline prices, Consumer Reports has put together a list of the 16 best used fuel-sipping cars. The list only contains cars under 10 years old and the criteria is based on fuel economy and reliability. It does not take into account driver comfort or fancy options. Check out CNN’s full article for more detailed information on each car. The list, inside…

8 Ways To Get Free Gas This Summer

8 Ways To Get Free Gas This Summer

Very few of us, if any, can say they haven’t felt the strain associated with record high gasoline prices. To help ease some of the pain at the pump, Wisebread has put together a list of 8 promotions that that offer free gas or some money you can put toward gas. The promotions, inside…

Record High Prices Drive Police Officer Into Stealing Gas

Record High Prices Drive Police Officer Into Stealing Gas

This is ex-police officer, Craig Bucknor. KSLA reports that the Minden, Lousiana police officer has been arrested and is being charged with felony theft for stealing gasoline from the city. It seems no one is immune from the rising cost of gas. More details, inside…