for your health

Music Makes You Exercise Harder

Music Makes You Exercise Harder

In a recent study, scientists had participants ride stationary bikes while listening to music at normal speed, at 10% slower tempo and 10% higher tempo. When “the music was played faster,” researchers wrote, “the participants chose to accept, and even prefer, a greater degree of effort.” Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to my Zumba class. [More]

To Build More Muscle, Pump Lighter Iron

To Build More Muscle, Pump Lighter Iron

Lots of people use free weights and weight machines as part of staying fit and trying to build muscle, but a new study finds that contrary to popular belief, it’s not really the heaviness of the weights that build the most muscle. Rather, you can build more muscle mass by using something much lighter but just keep lifting until you reach fatigue and can’t lift it anymore. [More]