eletronic arts

Video Game Online Pass Codes Can Expire

Video Game Online Pass Codes Can Expire

Game publishers have been competing against used game sales by restricting online play or adding bonus contest that is only acceptable through unique codes packaged with new copies. But according to game publishing giant Electronic Arts, those codes that provide the backhanded bonuses could potentially expire, although they’re usually not expected to. [More]

That Wily Scoundrel John Madden Has Robbed Gamers Of $1 Billion, Economist Says

That Wily Scoundrel John Madden Has Robbed Gamers Of $1 Billion, Economist Says

Economist Jeffrey MacKie-Mason says Electronic Arts’ NFL monopoly has cost gamers $926 million over the last four years. Because the game publisher has an exclusive deal with the NFL to use teams, stadiums and player likenesses, no competitor can line up on level ground, and thus EA can charge $60 for its Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game every year, GamePolitics reports: