Bear Stearns CEO Forced Out By Angry Shareholders, Common Sense

Bear Stearns CEO Forced Out By Angry Shareholders, Common Sense

Bear Stearns CEO James Cayne is expected to step down as CEO due to pressure by pissed off shareholders , reports the Wall Street Journal.

Sallie Mae CEO Ends Conference Call With "Let's Get The Fuck Out Of Here"

Sallie Mae CEO Ends Conference Call With "Let's Get The Fuck Out Of Here"

Dodging tough questions about the student loan company’s fiscal well-being and strategy in the midst of the credit crunch, not to mention his recent sale of 97% of his company stock, Sallie Mae’s CEO ended a conference call yesterday with investors by cursing, reports WSJ:

In an apparent reference to investors’ anger, he said: “I can assure you, you will be going through a metal detector.” He ended the conference call by saying “Let’s go. There’s no questions. Let’s get the [expletive] out of here.”

Citibank CEO Resigns, Additional $11 Billion In Subprime Damage Predicted

Citibank CEO Resigns, Additional $11 Billion In Subprime Damage Predicted

Citibank’s chairman and CEO Charles Prince announced his resignation Sunday, citing the subprime meltdown as the reason for his departure.

Walmart CEO Optimistic About Christmas Because Broke People Shop At Walmart

Walmart CEO Optimistic About Christmas Because Broke People Shop At Walmart

Walmart CEO, Lee Scott recently told analysts that he feels:

AT&T Mobility's CEO Stan Sigman Retires After 42 Years

AT&T Mobility's CEO Stan Sigman Retires After 42 Years

AT&T Mobility’s CEO Stan Sigman has announced his retirement after 42 years with the company. The AP says:

Sigman began his career with Southwestern Bell Telephone as a stockman in 1965. He stayed with the company as it grew from the smallest Baby Bell to the nation’s largest telecommunications company through a series of aggressive acquisitions.

How nice.

Delta Names Former CEO Of Northwest Airlines As Their New CEO

Delta Names Former CEO Of Northwest Airlines As Their New CEO

Delta has named Richard Anderson, former CEO of Northwest Airlines as their new CEO according to CNNMoney.

University Of Washington Stands Up To Disney, Will Not Retract "Baby Einstein" Press Release

University Of Washington Stands Up To Disney, Will Not Retract "Baby Einstein" Press Release

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Verizon's CEO

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Verizon's CEO

Roger’s bank messed up and his Verizon bill didn’t get paid, resulting in his account being shut off for non-payment. While the phone and internet were back on almost immediately, Roger toiled fruitlessly trying to get the TV service turned back on, finally writing to Consumerist in frustration.

Friendly Email To Steve Ballmer Results In New XBOX 360

Friendly Email To Steve Ballmer Results In New XBOX 360

I was a frustrated Xbox 360 owner. Long story short, I had 6 Xbox 360 since launch that needed to be replaced, 4 of them due to poor quality control with the refurbished units (only 2 fell victim to the overheating issue). I had already purchased an extended warranty, beyond the extended one Microsoft provided. On the 6th repair, I was insisting on getting a new, not-refurb, unit. I escalated the call as high as I could, to where I was given a special phone number and extension for a case worker of sorts.

"Disgraced" Former Home Depot CEO Robert "Big Bob" Nardelli Named CEO Of Chrysler

"Disgraced" Former Home Depot CEO Robert "Big Bob" Nardelli Named CEO Of Chrysler

You can’t keep a good CEO down! Or something. Robert “Big Bob” Nardelli, the CEO who famously ran Home Depot into the ground by deemphasizing customer service in favor of the “business supply” division and then ran away with over $200 million in severance pay and other bonuses, has been named CEO of the Chrysler Group.

Today Show Interview With CEO of Southwest On The Crappy State Of Air Travel

The Today Show asks Gary “Sit Anywhere” Kelly, CEO of Southwest Airlines, to explain himself in the above clip.

Farmers & Mechanics Bank Takes Word Of Mouth Very Seriously

Farmers & Mechanics Bank President Craig W. Yates, who obviously needs to read “Eloping Nearly Ruined By Bank Blocking The Entire “State” Of Las Vegas,” as quoted in a 2003 Philadelphia Business Journal article.

Consumerist Interviews Peter Leppik, CEO Of Company That Conducts Those End Of Call Surveys, So You Know He Knows A Little Something About Call Centers And Customer Service

Consumerist Interviews Peter Leppik, CEO Of Company That Conducts Those End Of Call Surveys, So You Know He Knows A Little Something About Call Centers And Customer Service

We emailed the CEO of Vocal Labs, a phone survey company that specializes in measuring customer service quality, three simple questions about his business.

Sirius Satellite Radio CEO: "We Suck Less!"

Sirius Satellite Radio CEO: "We Suck Less!"

In an effort to make our self-imposed job of nicknaming America’s CEOs easier, Sirius Satellite Radio CEO Mel Karmazin took Sirius’ annual shareholder meeting as an opportunity to announce that Sirius “sucked less” than XM radio. Mel’s exact words were, “We suck less.”

Sorry Doesn't Cut It: JetBlue CEO Replaced Effective Immediately

Sorry Doesn't Cut It: JetBlue CEO Replaced Effective Immediately

Founder of JetBlue David “Mortified” Neeleman is no longer the CEO of his company, effective immediately. He’ll continue on as “non-executive chairman,” and play a “more strategic role.” Whatever that means.

The Rise and Fall Of Home Depot CEO "Big Bob" Nardelli

The Rise and Fall Of Home Depot CEO "Big Bob" Nardelli

What was Nardelli’s strategy?

It was a concept he called “The three Es.”

Anybody Wanna Buy An Enron CEO's Desk?

Anybody Wanna Buy An Enron CEO's Desk?

Lay and Skilling, who also served as CEO, were convicted in May 2006 for their role in the accounting fraud that led to the collapse of Enron in 2001. The bankruptcy erased billions in investors’ money and wiped out the pensions of thousands of Enron employees.

Sprint CEO Developed Ethics In Shop Class

Oddly framed vase of roses aside, we’re basically with it, ethics, it’s not how you win or lose, etc, until the very end.