caryl stewart

EECB Gets Credit Union To Pay Up $125

EECB Gets Credit Union To Pay Up $125

Rick has been trying for months to get his his credit union, Opportunities Credit Union of Vermont, to pay up for a $125 home inspection, and now, a week after sending his EECB, he prevailed. As we wrote last week, his credit union was supposed to pay for a home inspection but said they didn’t have to because the bill was never sent. However, the home inspector uses an electronic billing system and it showed that the credit union rep had in fact read the sent bill. Emails and phone calls between Rick and his credit union rep led to a stalemate. Then Jim sent off an executive email carpet bomb and got the following back from the credit union president:

Man Feels Opportunities Credit Union Screwed Him Over For $125

Man Feels Opportunities Credit Union Screwed Him Over For $125

UPDATE: EECB Gets Credit Union To Pay Up $125