New Entrants For Santa’s “Naughty” List Emerge After Neighbor Catches Teens Stealing UPS Packages
Two more grinchy candidates for the bad side of Santa’s rolls have emerged after a neighbor caught some teens stealing UPS packages off the porches and doorsteps of homes that were not their own, reports The Smoking Gun.
Police in Michigan arrested two suspects, ages 18 and 19, for a bunch of thefts last week in a Detroit suburb.
The cops say the teens tailed a UPS truck until it dropped off its goods, and then grabbed packages that were left outside homes. But alas, an observant homeowner espied one of the teenagers running up to two houses, where he allegedly “stole packages that had been left there by a UPS driver,” reported the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office.
That vigilant neighbor snapped a few photos of that suspect as he ran off with a large Macy’s box, getting into a getaway car driven by the other suspect. The neighbor then called the police to report the thefts, just as another nearby resident called the cops to report “a theft from a porch on an adjacent street.”

(via The Smoking Gun)
Officers caught the teens inside the car in question, along with a bunch of stolen packages addressed to other people. There were a total of 26 separate stolen items, from clothing to computer speakers, as well as 30-pound bag of dog food.
The two men were arrested and charged with larceny and conspiracy to commit larceny.
Duo Of Dopey Package Thieves Caught In Act By Vigilant Michigan Homeowner [The Smoking Gun]
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