Two-Time Krispy Kreme Challenge Winner Can Somehow Run 4 Miles & Eat 12 Doughnuts Without Barfing

The Man With The Iron Stomach, as I have just named the 38-year-old Alabama man, has accomplished this win twice, both times without barfing, reports
He’s got some practice for the running side of things, saying he competes in 40 races every year, though the doughnut race is the the most gluttonous. Being in good shape from all that running is an important part of his training for the Krispy Kreme race, he said in an interview. It’s held by United Cerebral Palsy, an organization he supports and the reason why he runs the race.
“It’s mostly being in general good shape. There’s two components — running and eating. You can do one or the other, but the skill is to do both.”
Again, I couldn’t do both of those in a single day, so kudos to you, MWTIS.
And speaking of his lucky stomach, he doesn’t have to see anyone else getting sick either, because he is always in front. Oh, snap.
“Fortunately, when you’re in the lead, there is no one in front of you so I’ve been lucky to not see anything,” he explained.
His final advice: “Enjoy the sugar rush, the impending sugar crash after, and try to avoid throwing up on your shoes.”
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