Kentucky Bar Selling Rare Bourbon In $10 Jell-O Shots Because Why Not?

Pappy in liquid, not gelatinous, form. (Edsel L)
The Louisville bar announced yesterday that it’s using some of this year’s allotment of Pappy Van Winkle bourbon, its first ever dose, for Pappy 15 Jell-O shots that will cost customers $10, reports Insider Louisville. About 7,000 cases of Pappy are produced each year, and that’s it, making demand high in the fall.
The owner says he just wants to have some fun with the seriousness of the whole bourbon culture, as everyone goes nutty over Pappy this time of year.
“It’s a way to have a little fun with how ridiculous it’s gotten,” the co-owner and man with the Jell-O shot plan told Insider Louisville. “Just because it’s expensive, it doesn’t mean it’s the best stuff on the market.”
Once the shots — actually Old Fashioned shots, as straight bourbon does not a good Jell-O shot make — are gone, they’re gone. The owner is offering up about two bottles of the whiskey to make 100 to 150 shots, with the rest of the year’s allotment selling neat or on the rocks.
“I have a smart-ass comment about everything,” the co-owner added. “The hoops we’ve had to jump through to get just a little bit (of Pappy bourbon) is ridiculous. So this is a fun way to say, ‘Don’t forget about the other bourbons out there,’ and also to celebrate Pappy time.”
Meta gets Pappy Van Winkle bourbon, makes Jell-O shots [Inside Louisville]
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