Power Company Burns Down Couple’s House During Cancer Treatment

(CBS Dallas)
The utility, Oncor, didn’t set out to burn the couple’s house, of course. According to the couple, the fire started after the company was “changing out some wires.” An investigations team at a local TV station learned that a crew turned off power and worked on a utility pole behind the house, then turned the power back on.
Neighbors were able to save the couple’s pets, but not much else. the utility apologized, but didn’t offer much help, telling the couple to make a list of everything that was in their home. “It’s kind of hard to do,” notes the wife.
The good news, if there is any good news in this situation, is that the utility does accept responsibility for the fire, and plans to compensate the family in some way. “We know this is just a horrible situation and we sympathize with the family as they’re going through this …We’re working as quickly as we can to help them resolve this and help them move forward,” a company spokesperson told the TV station. What they haven’t done yet is help the couple to find a place to stay and a way to pay for those lodgings after they return from Houston.
Cancer Patient Homeless After Power Company Mistake [CBS Dallas]
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