Burglary Suspect Gets Stuck In Arby’s Ventilation Shaft For 10 Hours (Without Any Sandwiches)

The would-be burglary suspect will be resting at the hospital for a few days after his ordeal, reports WPDE News, while cops have charged him with burglary second degree.
The 22-year-old man reportedly fell through the roof during his Monday night ninja attempt, and was only freed the next morning when an employee opening up the restaurant for the day heard him shouting for help.
Police say rescuers had to cut through the ventilation pipe and pull him back up through the roof. He suffered a possible broken arm and was airlifted to the hospital.
Take that as a lesson, bad consumers: You are not in Mission: Impossible and the universe has its own way of dealing with you if you forget that fact.
Police: Man stuck in ventilation shaft at business after trying to break in [WPDE]
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