Woman Spends Harrowing 45 Minutes Locked Inside Department Store, Live-Tweets The Experience

When you try to leave a store only to discover that you’ve been locked inside and no one is around to help, many thoughts may cross your mind. “I’ve got to tweet this” probably won’t be one of them, but you’re not the Canadian writer who spent a harrowing 45 minutes or so locked inside a Hudson’s Bay store in Toronto.
The nightmare began shortly before 8 P.M., when employees thoughtlessly locked the doors without letting Emily Keeler out.
Her dispatches came complete with photographic proof:
Being alone in an empty store is creepy when the radio won’t stop.
CTV confirmed that the police did receive a non-emergency call around 8:30 from someone stuck in a department store.
Finally, at 8:32 PM, sweet freedom.
Ms. Keeler has refused interviews, saying, “I think I’ve already embarrassed myself enough.” That’s okay: the tweets tell the story.
Toronto woman trapped in The Bay live-tweets ‘terrifying’ ordeal [CTV]
Laura spent a harrowing five minutes locked inside a Sears last week, but failed to tweet about it. You should follow her anyway.
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