This Cat Needs A New Home After Living In A Home Depot For 13 Years

The world was Depot’s oyster, and that world is the Home Depot. See, Depot is a cat and her home is Home Depot (try saying that three times fast). She’s lived in a South Carolina store for 13 years, but that life of trolling for pests, snuggling up with paint cans and greeting workers in the morning is about to end. She’s getting the boot after triggering the store’s security alarms one time too many.
Management says her adventures in the garden section will need to come to an end, reports WTOC, because she sets off the alarms at night. That means it’s time to find her a home, and some customers are upset that she’s getting evicted.
“Being an animal lover, I’d get rid of management before I’d get rid of the cat,” one customer told the news station.
Despite a petition on asking to let Depot stay, it’s not like she’ll be kicked out on her furry, adorable behind. Home Depot officials have said they won’t throw her out until someone steps up to adopt her.
If you live near Bluffton, S.C. and need a new furry friend, check out the contact info for the store in the source link below.
Cat kicked out of home, Home Depot []
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