‘The Price Is Right’ Contestant Wins The Showcase, Scores Bonus Engagement Ring Image courtesy of (CBS)

Getting married in an IKEA or a Walmart? So 2013. Instead, why not start your life with the man you love while a gameshow audience screams approval and Drew Carey observes from a distance like some sort of wise life guru?
On a recent episode of The Price Is Right, the final contestant bid her way to winning the Showcase, and was surprised with a bit of a bonus prize at the end.
“Baby, I just want to say you already make me feel like the most lucky man in the world. I would be honored if you would have me as your husband,” her now fiancé said, while getting down on one knee and offering up a diamond ring.
A teary nod, an embrace, and Drew Carey just cannot saying “Wow. Wow. Wow!” as if he’s never seen a surprise engagement on a game show before. Get it together, Carey.
Meanwhile we’re sure at least one audience member was yelling, “A DOLLAR! SAY IT’S A DOLLAR!”
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