Pennsylvania Lawmaker Wants To Ban Axe Body Spray From Ever Wafting Through Schools Again

After a Pennsylvania high school student suffered such a severe reaction to the smell of Axe Body Spray — that teen cologne that we imagine smells like a cross between Justin Bieber’s morning breath and that time a raccoon got caught in the copier — he was hospitalized, a state lawmaker is trying to ban the stuff from tickling the nostrils of students who are allergic.
State Rep. Marcia Hahn wants to introduce legislation that would ban the use of scented products like perfume, cologne or other body sprays in schools where students have fragrance allergies.
The boy who was hospitalized after a run-in (a nose-in?) with Axe now has to take cyber classes, which Hahn doesn’t think is fair to him. But it’s also not the easiest thing to regulate the particular scents kids want to drench themselves in. At least her proposal will get people talking, she says.
“If you have a piece of legislation and it’s not enforceable, it doesn’t really help,” she tells the Pennsylvania Independent. “So I’m hoping that we can come up with a solution that works for everyone.”
The principal of the boy’s high school isn’t so sure banning smelly self-grooming products is the way to go, although the school tried asking students to lay off and it didn’t work so well. He had another allergic reaction when he tried to go back earlier this year.
“Kids that don’t take showers don’t want to walk around all day with body odor, so some of them will put cologne on or whatever,” he explained.
Should the Fragrance Free Schools Act get signed into law, districts or joint school boards would have to work up a written policy banning the use of scented products — if a student notifies the school that he or she has one of those kinds of allergy.
Schools would then post the policy within the halls and in the student code of conduct, but without identifying which student it is with an allergy. Because can you imagine what the other kids would say? Something awful probably because teenagers are scary.
What smells? PA lawmaker wants to ‘Axe’ fragrance in certain schools [Pennsylvania Independent]
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