Bank Of America Sends New Debit Card To APO Address, Then Remembers They Don’t Send Cards To APO Addresses Image courtesy of (Brian Jackson Now)

(Brian Jackson Now)
The 2nd of October I attempted to buy a pair of glasses online using PayPal. My debit card which is linked to my PayPal account was denied. Thinking it was an issue on PayPal’s side I called them and notified them of the problem. After researching the issue I was told that it was actually a problem on Bank Of America’s side. I contacted BOA to see why my card had been denied and was told that a merchant I had previously used my card at (which they weren’t allowed to disclose) had been hacked and my card number was one of those which had been compromised. I was told that a new card had been sent to my home the 9th of September.
This would have been fine except for the fact that I was allowed to have continued use of a “compromised” card for an entire month and I’m currently in Afghanistan with no way to obtain the new card. I explained to on to the representative and he told me that BOA would FedEx me a new card to my APO address in Afghanistan. I gave him the address and phone number so that once the card arrived the FedEx station could call me and notify me. After 2 weeks of waiting I finally went to FedEx myself to see if maybe they just forgot to call. There was still no package.
I called BOA and told them that I still hadn’t received my card when I was notified that BOA doesn’t ship to APO addresses. Due to this “accident” I was forced to cancel my vacation to Thailand because I had no way to access my money. Well, as if that wasn’t enough, because the card I had used to purchase my plane ticket to Thailand had been canceled I wasn’t able to obtain a refund as I had no card for the airline to refund my money to.
Thank God for USAA.
A lot of our readers, military-affiliated and not, agree with that last sentiment.
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