Apparently There's A Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve, And Someone Stole It

First, let us reassure you: there will be no maple syrup shortage this year. Repeat: there will be no maple syrup shortage. However, police in Quebec, Canada are trying to determine the whereabouts of millions of dollars’ worth of maple syrup that disappeared from a warehouse in the town of St-Louis-de-Blandford. It wasn’t just any warehouse full of concentrated tree sap that was burgled: it was the temporary storage site of the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers’ global strategic maple syrup reserve. Which is apparently a thing.
This won’t be an immediate financial loss for the federation, since the syrup was insured. The problem is that some baddies out there will have gallons upon gallons of syrup that they didn’t pay for, which they’ll be able to dump on the market at cut-rate prices. It might be good for syrup buyers, but a financial disaster for small producers.
Police probing Quebec maple syrup heist worth up to $30-million [Globe and Mail] (Thanks, Catherine!)
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