Amazon Says It Will Never Compensate Us For Or Assist With Problems In Any Future Deliveries

Consumerist reader L. and his wife have been loyal customers of Amazon since the giant e-tailer started out, he says. But because of a recent email his wife received today, he says they’re going to reconsider their allegiance.
L. writes that his wife has returned three things in the past year, including two pairs of shoes, and that “Amazon is no Zappos.”
He says they’re rethinking their loyalty because Amazon has decided to rescind its return policy for one customer.
The email reads:
We’re writing to apologize for the number of problems you’ve experienced with your shipments. Your correspondence with us indicates you’ve required refunds on a majority of orders for a number of reasons.
Through the normal course of business, the occasional problem is inevitable. However, you seem to have had an unusually high rate of problems in your account history.
Effective immediately, we’re unable to guarantee any further deliveries or compensate you for any additional problems with your shipments.
You can view our Conditions of Use here:
If you have any questions regarding your account in the future, please write to us directly at
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Account Specialist.
Has this happened to anyone else out there? Feel free to commiserate with L. and his wife, or offer advice.
UPDATE: Reader L. wrote in with a happy ending to the above tale of woe, and he’s thankful for the help of his fellow readers.
After my spouse’s beautifully crafted “WTF? I have weird feet…” email, and I would imagine, this thread, Amazon “reviewed” my wife’s account and decided the return pattern was not abnormal. They are reinstating the account to reinstate it – and her full shipping and return privileges. They acknowledged that buying shoes is not like buying other products.
Thank you, Consumerist hive and Amazon.
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