The Time Warner Cable Tech Will Show Up On Time… If You Pay $190/Month

Tired of waiting for the cable guy (or gal) to not show up during the vague four-hour block you’d been given when you made the appointment? Thankfully Time Warner Cable is about to start a premium service that will let the cable tech blow off a more specific appointment for just $189.95 a month.
TWC is testing the plan, dubbed “Signature Home,” in the Charlotte, NC, area and plan to roll it out to other markets in the coming weeks.
Bloomberg News describes more details of the package:
“Signature Home” subscribers will have access to a personal service adviser 24 hours a day, and specially trained technicians will make house calls based on reservations at specific times…
The “Signature Home” DVRs will have a terabyte of storage, be able to record four high-definition programs simultaneously and store 150 hours of HD content. The bundle will include a wireless service that can connect as many as 13 devices, including TVs, DVRs, computers and gaming consoles.
The article doesn’t say whether or not those more-specific appointment times come with any sort of guarantee, or if you are just told, “He’ll be there at 3:15” and they still mean “between 3 and 7 p.m.”
What also goes unsaid is how these specific appointment will impact those customers who don’t go for the pricier package. What happens when a tech is running late to your home and has to bump you down the list in order to make it to a “Signature Home” subscriber in time?
Time Warner Promises No Waiting for the Cable Guy, for a Price [Bloomberg]
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