DEA Will Gladly Take Your Old Drugs Off Your Hands On Saturday

Have you been staring at that half-full (or is it 2/4 empty?) bottle of Vicodin sitting on your bedside table and wondering, “Should I throw this in the trash, take a bunch and pretend I’m Hugh Laurie, or sell them to some college kids for a huge profit?” If so, then the Drug Enforcement Agency has an answer: Give the pills to them during this weekend’s National Take-Back Day.
Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday (9/25), the DEA and other law enforcement agencies will be accepting legal drugs — no pot, meth, coke, or Christmas Cheer — at over 3,400 locations around the country.
If you’re interested in finding out where to divest yourself of those 6-year-old penicillin pills, or to see which of your neighbors brings the largest bag of pills, click here for a searchable list of locations.
The initiative is intended to curb prescription drug abuse and to curb theft of said medications.
Explained Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary G. Grindler in a statement:
With this National Prescription Drug Take-Back campaign, we are aggressively reaching out to individuals to encourage them to rid their households of unused prescription drugs that pose a safety hazard and can contribute to prescription drug abuse… The Department of Justice is committed to doing everything we can to make our communities safer, and this initiative represents a new front in our efforts.
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