Oil Now Washing Up In Biloxi; BP Sends Three People To Clean It Up

(dsb nola)
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to expand, despite BP’s boasting about the number of barrels they pull out of the water each day. Over the weekend, the crude washed up for the first time on the shores of mainland Mississippi, driving away the already scant number of tourists.
One of the towns hit by the greasy tide and tar balls is Biloxi, one of the gulf coast’s bigger tourist destinations. Not so much right now.
Said a mom from Texas who had been visiting Biloxi with her family:
We are leaving today. My child stepped in oil yesterday as we were playing on the beach. Obviously we are cutting our vacation short. This is a complete shame and very sad.”
According to Reuters, all of three people from a privately contracted crew hired by BP were working on the beach in Biloxi to clean up the tar balls.
Local officials are not happy with what they view as BP’s slow pace in dealing with the cleanup.
Says a Jackson County official:
This is the most frustrating process I have experienced. We have asked and asked for an easier process. It’s unfortunate that we have to call all day long to get somebody out here the following day.
Oil washes onto big Mississippi tourist beach [Reuters]
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