Thanks For Letting The World Know I Bought Sex Toys, Adam & Eve

G. writes that she placed an order from Adam & Eve, a venerable seller of adult merchandise. Discretion was crucial, since G. has packages sent to her at work instead of her home mailbox. Fortunately, this company ships packages in unmarked boxes. They do not, however, practice the same discretion with their promotional mailings, which caught G. by surprise.
A few weeks ago, I ordered some…things…from, lured in by a good deal I heard on Dan Savage’s podcast. I also liked the promised discreet shipping, since you know, I’m not a prude but I don’t advertise my business at home. My order did actually appear in an unmarked envelope with no clue as to the contents. I had it shipped to my work because my mail carrier at home can’t be trusted with packages when no one is home.
Yesterday, I got home and there was a promotional mailing from Adam and Eve with their name clearly written on the return label! I figure they used my billing address to send the letter.
I couldn’t believe it. Thankfully, it was just my boyfriend who saw it and it was no big deal. But now I’m scared to death that they’re going to send something similar to my work address, since that’s where the order was actually shipped, which would cause me no end of embarrassment here. It’s not like people have never heard of Adam and Eve.
Just because it’s not in a package doesn’t mean that I want anyone in my house or workplace knowing that I have an association with you! Businesses like this should ALWAYS be discreet, whether it’s an order you’re sending to me or some kind of mailing you’ve shipped off. I’ve complained to their customer service department and asked that they remove my name from their mailing list immediately, but haven’t heard back yet. I don’t plan to order from them again, either, since they clearly can’t be trusted to hold up their end of the bargain and keep it between us.
Figured it was worth a warning to your readers – orders from places like this might come in unmarked envelopes, but don’t necessarily count on them to be so smart with anything else they send out. Check first!
A glance at the company’s website shows their promotional e-mail and snail mail policy, which is:
Catalog/Email Opting In
If you wish to receive special offers and discounts via email from or the Adam & Eve mail-order catalog, just visit the My Account page. Scroll down to the email section and check the potential offers that interest you. To opt-out, just click the box again to remove the checkmark.
Did G. miss opting out of the mailing list? More importantly, should companies that make a point of sending out mailings in discreet packages extend their customers the same courtesy for all mailings?
Update: Commenter ams199 weighed in with this useful bit of information. Thanks!
Just to warn G., A&E will now begin sending you catalogs. They ALWAYS do this. (Full Disclosure: used to work there). It’s very difficult to get off their mailing list. The catalogs are sent in a plain envelope with a return sender name of “PHE Inc.” so it isn’t amazingly obvious what they are, but if you ask me, anything in a plain wrapper stands out much more than an envelope with a regular company name, etc.
Good luck.
You can try calling them at the corporate HQ: 919-644-8100.
Adam & Eve tweeted today that the above number is incorrect, and you should call 1.800.293.4654 if you have issues with their mailings.
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