Why Paying More For Brand Name Drugs Is Folly

There are some people out there who just don’t get how much crazy money you can save with buying generic drugs. For those folks, this infographic was crafted by Mint.com. To illustrate the cost-savings possible, they took a look at Advil. For the same 200 mg of isobutylpropanoicphenolic acid, people are willing to pay over $8 more per box. Those pretty graphics aren’t going to chase away your headache any faster, honey. Let’s take a look:
Crazy, right? If this is the kind of thing that gets you riled up, Consumer Reports also has a great service for an unbiased comparison of the cost-efficacy of different kinds of drugs called Best Buy Drugs that you should check out.
The RIP: Brand vs Generic Drugs [Mint]
Best Buy Drugs [Consumer Reports]
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