Walmart Shuts Down For 3 Hours After Shoppers Go Crazy

The Los Angeles Times says that a Walmart in Upland, California had to kick everyone out and shut down for 3 hours this morning, because shoppers lost their damned minds.
The store called police for help at around 2:44 a.m.:
Employees said customers began tearing into merchandise that had been shrink-wrapped and were supposed to be opened at 5 a.m.
Several officers were sent and stood by as shoppers were kicked out and the store closed down. The bargain hunters were told to line up in the parking lot.
Meanwhile, the carts were emptied and all the items returned to the shelves, employees said. But they said that outside, people began “yelling and screaming,” pounding on the glass doors and trying to sneak into the store through the lawn and garden section.
“Black Friday: Wal-Mart in Upland temporarily closes after ‘fighting inside'” [Los Angeles Times] (Thanks to Crazytree!)
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