Tiny Faces On Broccoli To Be Heartlessly Discontinued, As Will These Decapitated Heads On Jam Jars
The bloggers that noticed the “tiny faces on broccoli” and shared their discovery with the world (click here to catch up with the horror), have decided to do a little investigative journalism. They contacted the company that photoshopped the little faces onto their broccoli package and got a response. It seems that the tiny faces are a tradition that is now on the chopping block…
“Dear Mrs. Carrier:
Thank you for contacting us concerning Cascadian Farm. We appreciate the opportunity to address this matter. Unfortunately, there is no one available for you to interview. However, I have included some information about the history behind the faces.
The tradition of hiding names or faces on Cascadian Farm packaging began over a dozen years ago. It was unspoken tribute by the package design department to the friends & family of Cascadian Farm. The faces won’t be included on our redesigned packaging.If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.
Leah Giovanni
Consumer Services”
The also found some more faces on this jar of grape jam. We’re sorry to see the horrifying little faces go. It’s creepy, but it’s sort of wonderful in a way.
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