After he called Microsoft to cancel his Zune account, reader Will noticed that his XBOX Live account was suddenly silver instead of gold.

Microsoft Is Very Sorry You Won't Receive Your Valentine's Day Edition Zune On Time
Cupid is helping Microsoft whisper sweet apologies to customers who may not receive their Valentine’s Day edition Zune until after February 14. Even though the players are en route, the company has promised full refunds to any scorned Zune buyers.

"Why Does Best Buy Hate Its Customers?"
My problem started yesterday morning when my wife and I decided we would either purchase 3 Microsoft Zunes or 3 iPods from Best Buy for part of our children’s Christmas gifts. I checked prices by going to and searching Zune. [ed.note— item no longer on sale.]

How About Not Buying An iPod?
Okay, we’ll say it, and understand that we’re writing this post on an old iBook: the iPod line is starting to look tired. Sure, that Touch is elegant in the same way as the iPhone—but its capacity is similar to the Nano, and what if don’t want to carry around a Kubrick-style slab of minimalism? There are now some really nice alternatives out there if you’re willing to walk away from the perks of being a member of the Apple camp.

Microsoft Joins Apple In Offering DRM-Free Music
Following Apple’s lead, Microsoft has announced that the Zune Marketplace will offer DRM-free downloads from EMI’s catalogue. Microsoft also claims to be discussing similar arrangements with other music labels.
“The EMI announcement on Monday was not exclusive to Apple,” said Katy Asher, a Microsoft spokeswoman on the Zune team, in an e-mail to the IDG News Service today. She said Microsoft has been talking with EMI and other record labels “for some time now” about offering unprotected music on its Zune players in an effort to meet the needs of its customers.
Microsoft has kept mum on the specifics. We don’t yet how the price or quality of Microsoft’s music will stack up against Apple’s offering, nor do we know when the DRM-free music will be made available on the Zune Marketplace. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

CompUSA: Buy a Zune, Get Free iTunes Gift Card
So, I work at the Spokane CompUSA,and every Saturday night, we print out all the new advertisement tags to put up on products that are going to be on sale for the next week and put them out.
Same Zune Gay Porn Post, Now With Video Included
CHANELL: “And she asks me what is this? And I’m like, I don’t know what that thing does. So she gave it to me, and it was a homosexual orgy… that they had videotaped for an hour and 44 minutes.”

Walmart Sells Gay Porn Filled Zune To Little Girl
Chanell Martin bought her 12-year old daughter a Zune from Walmart, pre-loaded with gay porn.

Bill Gates: Don’t Buy DRM Music
- Gates said that no one is satisfied with the current state of DRM, which “causes too much pain for legitimate buyers” while trying to distinguish between legal and illegal uses. He says no one has done it right, yet. There are “huge problems” with DRM, he says, and “we need more flexible models, such as the ability to “buy an artist out for life” (not sure what he means). He also criticized DRM schemes that try to install intelligence in each copy so that it is device specific.

Zune “is a Complete, Humiliating Failure.”
The Chicago Sun-Times does not like the Zune. At all. In much the same way as we delight in reading all the really nasty movie reviews excerpted on Metacritic, we really enjoyed this particular write up of the potentially ill-fated Zune. Here are some choice zingers:

Zune: Slow to Start
ZDnet is reporting that Microsoft’s iPod-killa is experiencing a slow start. ZDnet was unable to find the mp3 player at most retailers, and experienced mixed reviews at a local Best Buy.

Microsoft DRMifies Your Own Music
You might have caught the Zune swoon in the blogosphere last week. For those who didn’t catch it, Zune is Microsoft’s planned iPod-killer: a device that is as often nifty (built in WiFi that allows you to share music with friends on the go) as it is underwhelming (30 gig hard drive, max.)