The Wall Street Journal says that Matrixx, the manufacturer of the allegedly smell-destroying cold remedy Zicam, is defending their product, but also admits that they didn’t share 800 reports of smell loss with the FDA. Despite this, they described the FDA’s warning about Zicam as a “complete surprise.”

FDA: Stop Using Zicam Nasal Gel, It's Associated With Loss Of Sense Of Smell
The FDA has recommended that consumers stop using several different Zicam products because they have been associated with the loss of smell (anosmia). Anosmia may be long-lasting or permanent.

Zicam Nasal Gel Vanquishes Colds, Sense Of Taste, Smell
A chewing gum company turned cold remedy manufacturer is under fire for selling a nasal spray that destroys people’s sense of taste and smell. Over 400 lawsuits have been filed against Matrixx Initiatives for the side effects associated with Zicam nasal gel, a zinc-based homeopathic cold remedy. Matrixx has already spent $12 million to settle 340 lawsuits, but some customers won’t be satisfied until the FDA is involved.