worst company in america

RIAA Accused Of Extortion and Conspiracy

RIAA Accused Of Extortion and Conspiracy

According to Recording Industry vs The People, a new RIAA case in Tampa, Florida has some interesting counterclaims by the consumer, including extortion, conspiracy, and deceptive trade practices.

In the case of UMG v. Del Cid, the defendant has filed the following five (5) counterclaims against the RIAA, under Florida, federal, and California law:

Contact Information For 50 Politicians Who Take Campaign Money From The RIAA

Contact Information For 50 Politicians Who Take Campaign Money From The RIAA

When you voted the RIAA the worst company in America you gave us an assignment. But how can we improve the customer service of a recording industry trade group? It’s not an easy task. Couldn’t you have voted for Home Depot? U-Haul? Anyway…

RIAA VP Laughs At Consumerist's "Worst Company In America" Contest

RIAA VP Laughs At Consumerist's "Worst Company In America" Contest

Four people, likely students, walked into the back of the room, all holding cardboard signs. One sign had a scythe attached and said, “Don’t fear the RIAAper.” Another guy had no pants on and had a sign that said, “The RIAA sued the pants off me.” Another girl had a sign that said, “Download like it’s 1999.” And the last girl had some spare change in her hand that was to go to “Metallica’s retirement fund.”


Worst Company In America 2007: The Final Big Board

Worst Company In America 2007: The Final Big Board

101,067 votes.

RIAA Wins Worst Company In America 2007

RIAA Wins Worst Company In America 2007

The RIAA won The Consumerist’s “Worst Company In America 2007” reader poll.

FINAL ROUND: RIAA vs Halliburton

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Worst Company In America 2007: Final Deathmatch

Worst Company In America 2007: Final Deathmatch

RIAA and Halliburton advance to the final round for a fight to the death. Who will emerge “Worst Company in America 2007?” Only one can survive! It will probably be the RIAA!

Round 14: RIAA vs Exxon

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Round 13: Halliburton vs Walmart

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Halliburton Moves HQ From Houston To Dubai

Halliburton Moves HQ From Houston To Dubai

Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar today announced they’re moving the headquarters from Texas to the United Arab Emirates. From the Washington Post:

Worst Company In America 2007: Final Four

Worst Company In America 2007: Final Four

We’re down to the Final Four gladiators to determine the Worst Company in America. Or at least, which company this year most offends the netizen’s liberal sensibilities

Round 12: Verizon vs Walmart

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Round 11: Clear Channel vs Halliburton

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Round 10: Sony vs Exxon

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Round 9: RIAA vs U-Haul

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Worst Company In America 2007: Series 1 Finalists

Worst Company In America 2007: Series 1 Finalists

Click to enlarge.

Round 8: Monsanto vs Walmart

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Round 7: Verizon vs Bank Of America

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