Confession: I was once a little bit obsessed with Supermarket Sweep, the game show that involved little more than running around a store picking up the priciest groceries. When I was a youngster, shopping with my family, I’d practice the route I’d take when I eventually got my chance at the Sweep, imagining my cart first overflowing with hams and turkeys. Little did I know that not everything I’d seen on the show was as it appeared.

Host Of ’90s Oddity “Supermarket Sweep” Reveals Game Show’s Secrets

Elderly Couple Games Lottery To Win Big Money
Lotteries are said to be sucker bets for those who lack mathematical understanding, but some who understand systemic quirks can exploit them for huge gains. [More]

College Kid Is Pro At Taking Companies To Small Claims Court
Most of us have trouble scratching a simple customer service call off our to-do list, but The Red Tape Chronicles profiles a college kid who has turned taking companies to small claims court into a bit of a hobby. And he’s won 10 out of 12 times. [More]

Charlie Sheen-Inspired Tiger Blood Energy Drink Comes In An IV Bag
We’ve definitely reached Charlie Sheen saturation, in fact, it hurts just typing his name, but for those of you who just can’t get enough of that wacky guy, you can now buy an inevitable by-product of his popular public breakdown: Tiger Blood, an energy potion that comes in an IV bag. [More]