When you buy a gym membership, do you go more often than if you had to make the decision to go and pay separately for each visit? You go more often, because you’ve already paid for it. That’s what fans like about salon or spa memberships that keep them loyal to one business, and make sure they come back every month. [More]

Endangered Species: Popularity Of Bikini Waxing Is Literally Destroying Pubic Lice Habitats
Whether you know’em as crabs, pubic lice or just “eww,” it sounds like the little pests are on their way out after thousands of years afflicting the human race. So what do we have to thank for this cessation? A scientific breakthrough, or perhaps a medical miracle? Far from it — instead, the practice of applying hot wax to our bodies and getting it ripped off is possibly what’s helping us rid the world of crabs. Yep, we’re talking about bikini waxing.

NJ May Ban 'Brazilian' Bikini Waxing Due To Infections
Two women have reported being injured while getting a “Brazilian” bikini wax — leading New Jersey to consider banning the practice.
Bikini Waxing Is Totally Painless!
A safe-for-work video in which a bunch of pretty girls get their pubic hair pulled out by the roots for the first time at their local bikini wax salon. “It’s totally painless!” says a translator to a dollsome foreign babe. “That’s a relief!” And then the screaming starts.