Passengers on a Virgin Australia flight from Los Angeles to Sydney lost some travel time, after people reported something stinky leaking out of the bathrooms, forcing the plane to turn back to the airport three hours after takeoff. [More]
virgin australia

Man Behind Hijack Scare On Virgin Australia Flight Was Just Exhausted, Looking For Bathroom
An Australian man who caused a hijacking scare on a recent Virgin Australia flight to Indonesia when he banged on the cockpit cabin’s door won’t be charged, officials say, because he was just exhausted and confused at the time. And he just needed to find the bathroom, which can make anyone act a little scary. [More]

Police: Too Many Drinks Led To Man Trying To Force His Way Into Plane’s Cockpit
Because the cockpit of an airplane is where all the action of keeping the craft in the air happens, the door to that area is always locked now to prevent hijacking attempts. So when you’ve had a few too many drinks and go banging on the door to that secure space, well, it’s not going to end well for you. Yes, you, allegedly drunken tourist on a Virgin Australia flight.

Should Single Men Be Barred From Sitting Next To Unaccompanied Minors On Planes?
I’m a single guy (Hello ladies…) and I’ve also sat next to an unaccompanied minor on an airplane without issue. But if I were a passenger on Australian carrier Qantas, I would have to switch seats with an adult woman because apparently my Y chromosome tags me, and all adult males, as a potential threat to children flying solo. [More]

Virgin Australia Wants Flight Attendants To Learn Fancy Manners For Business Customers
Virgin Australia cabin crew are being sent to flight attendant boot camp, in order to study up on etiquette, posture and language in a program called Elevate. Why the brush-up on manners right now? So they can compete with classy service offered to business passengers on Qantas. [More]