
EXCLUSIVE: Black Friday Best Buy, Vomitorium Of Sexy Shopping

With hidden camera, we prowled the aisles of Best Buy and absorbed the horror and glory of Black Friday.

Fight Videos Black Friday Roundup

Fight Videos Black Friday Roundup

All the newscasts seem determined to show Black Friday shoppers as an orderly stream of value-conscious consumers, en masse as they are.

What Can A Black Man Get On Black Friday?

Can anyone identify this morning show? We’d like to try and find the rest of the Black Santa clip.

The Internal Video Sprint Doesn’t Want You To See

UPDATE: A digg commenter claiming he used to work for Sprint says this is from a training video teaching employees how to behave.

David Cross Covers BofA U2 Cover

Above, the shocking footage.

FYE Bait And Switches Wii Buyer, Gamer Calls For Boycott

When it came time to pick it up on November 19, FYE wanted to make him buy two additional games and a $25 gift card. These additional purchases, to the sum of $400, were not disclosed when filed the pre-order.

CNN Reports On Walmart’s Nazi Shirt

Set to the tune of “Flight of the Valkyrie,” here is CNN soft-serving the Nazi Walmart Tshirt story we’ve been obsessing over covering with such diligence. [More]

Exploding Laptop Caught On Film

They try to test the heat using a remote thermometer (like the one mentioned in today’s Morning Deals) but the temp is so high, the instrument gives an error code. This means the temperature was over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.


Recent updates to this story.
Backstory. [More]

Bank Of America’s Lovesong To Itself

Presented before at a company luncheon. Possibly recorded as recently as November 3rd.

Motorola DVR Possessed By Evil

“The DVR started out by simply not responding to any command to change channels, etc. Suddenly, it switched to channel 3, then 4, then 5, 6, 7, and so on. I managed to pause it for a second, but then it just jumped to channel 233 and stayed there, pulsing on that channel while the DVR box flashed the numbers. This story really isn’t terribly interesting on its own, but the channel it stopped on was a religious channel with a priest featured prominently on the screen.”

PrudeTube’s Next Victim: Dancehall Vixen Jenny Kendrick

The YouTube user experience continues to downgrade with the removal of a 19yr old’s solo dancehall videos.

Longs Drug Employee Roleplays Crazy Customer Experience

Guess which one represents which party…

Fabio Solders With The Geek Squad

Fabio Solders With The Geek Squad

Geek Squad City Unveiled, With Fabio

This is a Multivu PR newsreel about the unveiling of Best Buy’s Geek Squad new central headquarters. Geek Squad City sounds awesome. By all appearances, the video is an upload of the footage supplied to TV news stations that helps them from having to do any reporting of their own.

Nestle Hires Illegal Aliens, Curses Off Protestors?

In this NSFW video, a man wearing a Nestle contractor card, identifying him as worker 705, curses off a group of illegal alien protesters in a California Home Depot parking lot.

You’re Driving The Grocery Cashier Insane # 2

Before you lay into the baggage boy for not triple plying your groceries, just remember he’s a human too, with wants, needs, desires, and a love of Sailor Moon.

HOWTO: Decipher Food Manufacturer Codes

However, if you can’t remember which can of peas to keep in the pantry and which ones have botulism, this trick can help you decide which cans throw away.