We had a very simple question for Unilever. If petroleum jelly or petrolatum has basically been the same stuff since the 19th century, and Vaseline Lip Therapy is 100% petrolatum, why does the tube claim that it’s “advanced”? This is not a terribly pressing consumer question, but it bothered reader Will. So we contacted Vaseline’s slippery headquarters to find out. [More]
vaseline lip therapy

Wait, How Is Vaseline ‘Advanced’?
Petroleum jelly is petroleum jelly. Vaseline has been on the market since 1870, and it hasn’t really changed in all that time. That’s why reader Will was a little bit confused when he noticed that the front of his tube of Vaseline Lip Therapy bragged about being an “advanced formula,” when really it’s the same darn stuff that’s been sold as Vaseline since 1870. [More]