Two big-box retailers are currently liquidating: Ultimate Electronics is closing all of its stores, and almost a third of Borders locations are closing. Surely this presents some excellent savings opportunities for consumers. Let’s be vultures and check in on the progress of the sales. [More]
ultimate electronics

Surprise: Working In A Closing Ultimate Electronics Really Sucks
Consumerist readers know that liquidation sales at big-box stores usually offer nothing but large, rude crowds and crappy deals. An anonymous Ultimate Electronics employee who is also a longtime reader wrote in to offer some tips for shoppers who want to check out the sale. Those tips are really more of a rant about what it’s like to work in a store that’s being liquidated. [More]

Don't Rush Into Buying Stuff At Liquidation Sales
With the news that the Ultimate Electronics chain is to be liquidated, we were reminded of the Circuit City liquidation and the lessons consumers (hopefully) learned from that debacle. [More]

Ultimate Electronics To Liquidate, Close All Stores
Ultimate Electronics, a Colorado-based chain, took on a nationwide expansion in 2010, opening new stores, entering new markets, and taking over a lot of empty retail space abandoned by Circuit City. Now the big-box dream is over: the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in late January, and announced this week that it will liquidate and close all 46 stores. [More]

Here's What Happens When You Trust A Big-Box Electronics Store
Ben’s father is the kind of lucrative and delectable customer that big-box electronics store salespeople love. Or perhaps they just love their bank accounts. A few months ago, Ben writes, his dad walked into an Ultimate Electronics store knowing that he wanted to buy a 3D TV, and…not much else about what he was looking for. Ben knows enough about electronics to conclude that the local Ultimate store sold his father products that he didn’t need, then botched the installation. [More]