In January, the people behind the Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge candy bars announced a not-that-surprising recall for possible lead contamination. And in keeping with the company’s brand message, more candy has been recalled for the same reason. [More]
toxic waste

This Will Totally Be A Whole Foods Just As Soon As We Clean Up The Toxic Waste
For those of you not familiar with the landscape of the borough of Kings, this is a photo taken from inside of the site of a new Whole Foods store in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. Currently, the site is home to an underground toxic plume of benzene that may or may not have originated at the nearby Verizon fuel station. Verizon denies that the fuel station, which is at the epicenter of the toxic plume, is the cause of the mess, despite the fact that there have been 5 oil spills on the site.