Common sense would tell you that if your vehicle is wrecked while in the care of a AAA tow truck driver, either that driver’s insurance or AAA would be responsible for making you whole again. But if the tow driver is using their own personal truck at the time of the collision, you could be stuck holding the bill. [More]
tow trucks

Tow Truck Driver Just Trying To Do His Job When He’s Swarmed By Cranky Bees
First of all, let’s just get the scene from My Girl that no one wants to think about out of the way now… Ready? A tow truck driver in Maine was just trying to go about doing his job like he’s supposed to, when he had the misfortune of having a run-in with a cranky swarm of honeybees. [More]

Woman Killed Trying To Save Car From Repo Man
A California woman was crushed to death yesterday by her own car while trying to save it from repossession. Authorities still aren’t quite sure how the accident happened, but the 41-year-old was standing between her car and the tow truck, and was somehow pulled under her vehicle and dragged 40 feet. She died of internal bleeding later that night at a local hospital. [More]

Oregon To Consider Predatory Towing Ban After Meals-On-Wheels Is Almost Towed During Delivery
Remember Andrew? His car was towed from Starbucks while he was inside sipping a latte. He isn’t alone. In mid-August, a predatory tow-truck driver set up shop outside a retirement community and waited for local meals-on-wheels driver Marie Phillippi to leave her car. As she made her deliveries, the tow-truck driver latched on and prepared to tow. He was stopped only when a retiree ran out and splayed herself across the car’s hood until the Marie could return. The tow-truck driver’s actions were entirely legal under Oregon law, although that may soon change…

Help, Starbucks Towed My Car While I Was Sipping A Latte!
Andrew’s car was towed from Stabucks’ parking lot as he sat inside enjoying his drink. The Portland Starbucks apparently has a contract with a local predatory towing company that allows them to walk in, call out a bunch of license plate numbers, and tow any car whose owner doesn’t speak up.

Confessions Of A Tow Truck Driver
CNN interviews a former tow truck driver to get the dirt on how the business works. There’s not a lot of new info here, but it may be useful to know that just because you see some un-towed cars in a towing zone, it doesn’t mean it’s safe—usually, drivers leave some cars alone to entice fresh…

Predatory Tow Trucks Steal, Sell Cars To Junk Yards
Predatory Tow trucks are prowling about Florida, looking to gin up extra cash by hauling perfectly good cars to salvage yards. The tow truck operators make up to $100,000 each year by preying on seemingly abandoned cars. By the time the rightful owners start asking questions, their cars are already cubes.
Investigators say salvage yards aren’t held responsible as long as they get the proper paperwork.

Beware The Tow Truck Pirates
This ’05 KNBC investigation uncovered a rogue industry of pirate tow truck drivers in Southern California. A system of spotters kept watch for any driver who left the premises attached to a parking lot, and got paid $25-50 for calling in targets. In some cases, drivers were gone from their cars for less than 15 minutes.

Repo Man Takes Wrong Car, Now It Won't Start
At 3:45 on the morning of April 9th, Allyn awoke to find his Audi getting towed by a repo man. Thing is, Allyn didn’t owe anyone any money. Rather, his 1999 Audi A4 had the misfortune of being the same color as a 2001 Saab the tow truck driver was looking for. When he got his car back, it wouldn’t start and the bumper was loose. Thus began his series of misadventures in trying to get the towing company to pay for the damage ($5-$8k by dragging an all-wheel-drive car in park for 5 miles) they incurred.