Have you seen T.I.’s redonkulous “Whatever You Like” music video, where a burger girl gets picked up and gets drenched by the rapper in expensive alcohol, jewels, fancy cars and an evening of disgusting extravagance? If you haven’t, it’s basically TI singing “I will give you any number of expensive things so you will have sex with me,” on top off a rejected melody from a My Little Pony episode cut with the tinny reggatonic hiccups that pass for beats. Now, perhaps marking the first time I’ve found “Weird Al” Yankovic worth more than a “heh,” the musical parodist has released his own version of “Whatever You Like.” In it, he croons his lovergirl with tales of how they’ll spend time together clipping coupons and rolling up at Costco. As a gesture of his munificence, she can even have a large fry when they go to McDonald’s. Both songs in convenient YouTube format for easy comparison and contrast, inside.

The 10 Most Reputable Companies In The U.S.
The Research Institute has compiled a list of the most reputable companies in the U.S., “calculated by averaging perceptions of trust, esteem, admiration, and good feeling obtained from a representative sample of 100 local respondents who were familiar with the company.” (Then they do some statistical stuff to it.) Coming in at #1 is Google, which we think is remarkable considering how much data the company has managed to collect over the past several years, and continues to collect with new record-keeping initiatives like Google Health.