Are you a Beatles fan with somewhere between $40,000 to $60,000 to spend on yourself this holiday season? You are! What a coincidence, because Beatles drummer Ringo Starr has a record he’d like to sell you. [More]
the beatles

The Beatles Finally Come To iTunes
All day Monday, Apple had been promising some sort of life-changing announcement regarding its iTunes store. Would it be cloud-based streaming for music and video? A change in its pricing? No — it’s the Beatles. [More]
Want to download every Beatles track ever made, legally? [ via BoingBoing]

Christian Radio Goes Porn
Listeners to Kingsburg, California based radio station KFYE were shocked a week ago when their favorite Christian radio station effortlessly switched between playing Carmen’s seminal Christian rap hit ‘Who’s In Da House? (Jay Cee!)’ to muculousy shlorking and the synchronized moans of vaginal pumping after the midnight changeover. KFYE FM 106.3 had just gone porn radio.