Super Mario Run — the much-hyped iPhone exclusive game from Nintendo — was released earlier this week. While there have been no shortage of complaints about the price of the game, some analysts say this sort of negative attention was part of Nintendo’s plan from the start. [More]
super mario run

iPhone Users Storm App Store Reviews, Angry At $10 ‘Super Mario Run’ Price Tag
During the same event where it announced the iPhone 7, Apple announced that it would be the platform for Nintendo’s first mobile game, Super Mario Run. Here’s the problem: the game lets you play three levels for free, and then the game costs $10. The game’s reviews are mixed, largely because people find that $10 price tag scandalous. [More]

Why Can’t You Play ‘Super Mario Run’ Offline?
You may be excited to buy Super Mario Run to play on your iPhone or iPad come next week, but when you do, you’ll have to make sure you’ve got an internet connection first. [More]