success stories

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Against Vonage Results In $450 Credit

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Against Vonage Results In $450 Credit

Score another point for consumers making it over the unyielding wall of “customer service.” Keith writes in about his recent struggles with Vonage, over an account he thought had been completely canceled six months earlier, “The carpet bomb instructions were inspired and within 3 weeks of sending my carpet bomb I got my resolve… The great part is I got my credit from the same person who stone walled me the months previous. Oh success is sweet.”

Customers Fight Back Against Hyperaggressive Verizon FiOs Door-to-Door Marketers

Eric and Sarah write:

Thanks to the executive email listing found on Consumerist, I was able to fight back against the invasive marketing of Verizon Fios! Here’s the email I sent last week:

The Ultimate Consumerist Guide To Fighting Back (Revised Edition)

The Ultimate Consumerist Guide To Fighting Back (Revised Edition)

[protected-iframe id="14eedff4c1ed081d42f5a75be4931995-40783744-40309798" info="" width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"] We’ve posted recently about how to fight back when a business screws you over, and we’ve posted a lot of executive contact info over the years. Now we’re packaging the two together into one big mega-post of usefulness: a one-stop-stop for figuring out what you need to do to start a customer complaint, or how to escalate a stalled one so that it can be resolved.

Chase Changes Due Date Without Warning, Charges Late Fees

Chase Changes Due Date Without Warning, Charges Late Fees

David went online last night to pay his Chase VISA bill and was shocked to see a late fee. For 18 months, the bill has been due on the 31st. This month, Chase arbitrarily decided to change it to the 26th.

Reader Lowers Credit Card APR From 15.74% To 1.99% By Threatening To Cancel

Reader Lowers Credit Card APR From 15.74% To 1.99% By Threatening To Cancel

After reading our posts about getting your credit card APR lowered by threatening to do a balance transfer to a lower rate credit card, Brandon got his Citibank Mastercard APR lowered from 15.74% to 1.99%. It’s an introductory rate that goes up to prime plus 4.99% after a year, but it’s definitely worth it for the time being. A factor that probably helped him was the $10,000 balance he was carrying, making his business more valuable to Citibank.

Local Columnist Gets Consumerist Reader's Complaint Fixed

One of our readers, Colin Madine, was able to get his consumer complaint resolved after contacting the Chicago Sun-Times “The Fixer” consumer advocacy columnist.

EECB Pressures US Airways To Reissue Unused Ticket, Waive Reissue Fee

EECB Pressures US Airways To Reissue Unused Ticket, Waive Reissue Fee

Reader Matt screwed up. He forgot to cancel his reservation with US Airways when his friend’s delayed passport application forced them to change their travel plans. The situation was entirely Matt’s fault, and US Airways justifiably refused to reissue the ticket. Matt, however, swayed the airline by wrapping an excellent mea culpa cum plea into the feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb.

Reader Games Tivo Retentions Department To Gets $6 Knocked Off Monthly Rate

Reader Games Tivo Retentions Department To Gets $6 Knocked Off Monthly Rate

Most companies with recurring services have a group of shiny sphincters known as the retention department, but doing battle with them and knowing how they operate can get your monthly bill reduced. They’re also sometimes called the “saves” department, because they’re supposed to “save” you from leaving for another company. Here’s how Jonathan recently turned the Tivo retention department to his advantage:..

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Scores Direct Hit On Time Warner

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Scores Direct Hit On Time Warner

Reader Clayton launched the feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Time Warner executives after learning that the cable installation he scheduled for this week would not occur until November. Within an hour of launching the EECB, Clayton received a call from Time Warner promising to reschedule his installation for this weekend. Clayton’s EECB:

"It's Policy" Were Fighting Words For Screwed Utility Customer

"It's Policy" Were Fighting Words For Screwed Utility Customer

This success story on utility watchdog TURN’s site illustrates the power of developing an effective argument strategy before calling customer service.

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Also Effective Against Cell Phone Spammers

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Also Effective Against Cell Phone Spammers

I want to share a recent experience that involves a cell phone spammer. I would never think I’d be writing to tell you a positive story, but in the light of what happened I think it would be worth sharing. Last week, on 8/16 to be exact, I was spammed with an unsolicited text message to my cell phone. I recall reading a post on Consumerist about the Attorney General for Illinois along with Cingular would be suing a cell phone spammer. I also recall your Executive Email Carpet Bomb postings and decided to try it out.

TigerDirect Apologizes For Unlawfully Detaining Customer For Refusing To Show Receipt

TigerDirect Apologizes For Unlawfully Detaining Customer For Refusing To Show Receipt

The manager of the TigerDirect that unlawfully detained reader Shaneal Manek for his refusal to show a receipt called him this afternoon and apologized for his store’s behavior. Shaneal told The Consumerist by phone that Tony, the store manager, pledged to retrain his staff on proper procedures and that they wouldn’t retain the services of the security guard involved in the dispute.

Executive Email Carpet Bomb, Consumerist Post, Prompt United To Solve Reader's Complaint

Executive Email Carpet Bomb, Consumerist Post, Prompt United To Solve Reader's Complaint

After being dissatisfied with his United ticket being changed without notice, and the fact that he called three times and each time there was some sort of birthday party in the background rendering the conversation incomprehensible, Bob got his story posted here. We advised him to send an executive email carpet bomb (EECB), and CC his complaints to the Department of Transportation. Now, the godly hand of United customer service has reached out of the ether and given him a scratch behind the ears, and Bob has gone from peeved consumer to pleased…

Executive E-Mail Carpet Bomb Scores Direct Hit On IKEA

Executive E-Mail Carpet Bomb Scores Direct Hit On IKEA

IKEA waived the shipping costs on two Hemnes bedside tables after reader Inderjit loaded the dreaded Executive E-Mail Carpet Bomb with the names of 16 IKEA executives. Inderjit’s repeated attempts to purchase the tables at IKEA stores over the past two months were unsuccessful, but within thirty minutes of launching the EECB, he received responses from three IKEA execs who promised to ship the tables free of charge. Read Inderjit’s complaint letter, after the jump.

Order A Starbucks Tazo Chai Latte For Half Price

Order A Starbucks Tazo Chai Latte For Half Price

Why pay full price for a Starbucks concoction when a little ordering jujitsu can produce the same drink for less? Reader Kelly devised a way to order her Starbucks Tazo Chai latte for half the price:

I spend far too much money there, and lately have been experimenting with combinations to get my delicious drinks for cheaper, but tasting the same using the Secret Menu codewords and with the help of the confessions of a Starbucks barista. The newest version? A knock off Tazo Chai latte for half price.

Unlawfully Billed? Threaten To Report Them For Mail Fraud

Unlawfully Billed? Threaten To Report Them For Mail Fraud

One reader says that after Cingular overcharged her, she sent them a letter informing them they were committing mail fraud.

Make "Materially Adverse Changes" Your Mantra And Cancel Cellphone Service Without Early Termination Fee

Make "Materially Adverse Changes" Your Mantra And Cancel Cellphone Service Without Early Termination Fee

Russ writes and reminds us how pounding irrefutable legal truth into a customer service rep’s ear is the key to escaping your cellphone contract without early termination fee…

TD Banknorth Charges $134 For Overdrafting A Granola Bar And A Vitamin Water

TD Banknorth Charges $134 For Overdrafting A Granola Bar And A Vitamin Water

“In March, I went to a ski resort on my way to a job interview. I stopped at a grocery store to pick up a granola bar [update: and a vitamin water]. I had to put it on my debit card, and the one I used was my (RARELY used) TD Banknorth card. I don’t usually keep much money in there because I hate Banknorth, but I bring it with me to go skiing to secure demo equipment without risking my real bank accounts. As soon as I got to Boston for my interview, I deposited $10 to cover the $8 I charged at Shaws, even though I knew there was supposed to be money in the account.”